Discover the most powerful custom items in EQ Might!
With over 4000 custom items and augmentations available, this list focuses on items with focus and click effects, sorted by difficulty to obtain and alphabetically for weapons. Enhance your gameplay with any of those ascustom items. Also notice, this is only an excerpt - there are a lot more custom items wating to be found, which are not listed here.
Most legendary items, other than weapons are not explicitly listed here. They simply come from Legendary Treasure Chests of the NPC who drops the non-legendary version of the item.
For legendary weapons, it's the opposite: the non-legendary weapons is not listed, but in most cases exists and drops directly from the NPC who spawns the corresponding Legendary Treasure Chest.
This list does not contain items created after August 2024.
However, all items can be found on the EQ Might Allaclone.
Multiple Classes
Band of Ivy (CLR/DRU/SHM/RNG/PAL/BST), Waist/Wrist/Neck with Mana Preservation II and click effect Counteract Poison. Sold by Fluffy for 150 platinium or dropped By Pickclaw Frenzy in High Keep.
Legendary Bladestopper (ROG/SHM/WAR/PAL/SHD/BRD/CLR), Shield with click effect Rune IV (20 charges). Dropped by Legedary Treasure Chest of Nagafen.
Neckguard of the Mistress (BST/MAG/NEC), Neck with click effect Muzzle of Mardu. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Latazura and The Fabled Mistress Latazura.
Fabled Deepwater Vambraces (WAR/PAL/SHD/BRD/CLR), Arms with click effect Pacification and Marr's Gift. Dropped by The Fabled Emperor Chottal.
Fabled Nightshade Scented Orb (NEC/ENC/CLR/SHD/ROG), Range with click effect Fabled Trucidation. Dropped by The Fabled Venril Sathir.
Fabled Nightshade Scented Staff (NEC/SHD), 2HB with Conservation of Bertoxxulous and click effect Lure Scent of Terris. Dropped by The Fabled Venril Sathir.
Fabled Waters of Impenetrable Aura (CLR/ENC), 1HB with click effect Guard of Druzzil. Dropped by The Fabled Venril Sathir.
Ancient Chestplate of Vindication (WAR/PAL/SHD/BRD/SHM/CLR), Chest with Preservation of the Dead. Dropped by the Ancient Statue of War in instanced Plane of Tactics.
Sapphire Earring of Embellishment (BST/DRU/MAG/NEC/SHM), Earring with Minion of Eternity. Dropped by Primal Hynid Warbeast.
Fabled Barbed Ringmail Sleeves, Arms with Marr's Blessing. Dropped by The Fabled Kerd.
Ancient Fungi Covered Great Staff (MNK/DRU/BST/SHM/BER), 63/35 2HB with click effect Blessing of Replenishment. Dropped by Ancient Myconid Spore Empress.
Ancient Robe of Living Fungus (NEC/DRU/MNK/CLR), Chest with click effect Fungal Regrowth (Recast Time 210s). Dropped by Ancient Myconid Spore Empress.
Fabled Ancient Shissar Gauntlet (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/DRU/MNK/BST), Gloves with Muram's Vengeance and 15% Tailoring. Dropped by the Fabled Venril Sathir.
Fabled Netherbian Scale Vambraces (CLR/BRD/WAR/PAL/SHD/SHM/BER/ROG/RNG), Arms with Discordant Healing. Dropped by The Fabled Fleshrot.
Fabled Tainted Skin Shroud (BST/DRU/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Shoulders with Quickening of the Ikaav. Dropped by The Fabled Bloodwretch and The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcaller.
Fabled Putrid Flesh Robe (CLR/ENC/MAG/MNK/NEC/WIZ), Robe with 15% Specialize Conjuration. Dropped by The Fabled Bloodwretch.
Ancient Ring of Bloodmagic (CLR/ENC/NEC/SHM), Ring with click effect Saryrn's Kiss. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Ancient Vermilion Orb of the Moon (DRU/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Range/Secondary with click effect Moonfire. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Ice-Threaded Bone Bracelet, Bracer with 15% Blacksmithing. Dropped by Enchanted Ice Golem.
Band of Discordant Energy (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/CLR/DRU/SHM), Wrist/Neck with Discordant Range. Dropped by Primal Ukun Warhound.
Headband of the Hunter (DRU/SHM/RNG/BST/MNK/BER/ROG/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Helmet with click effect Form of the Hunter. Dropped by Primal Ukun Warhound.
Headband of the Hunter, Helmet with 15% Fletching. Dropped by the Primal Ukun Warhound.
Boots of a Frozen Mystic (RNG/SHM/ROG/BER), Boots with Vengeance of Ice. Dropped by Enchanted Ice Golem.
Ice Spider Belt (BRD/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Belt with Wind Resonance 17 and click effect Koadic's Expansive Mind. Dropped by Skeletal Monk.
Mask of Permafrost (BST/SHM/DRU/RNG/AL/CLR), Mask with Quickening of the Ikaav. Dropped by Skeletal Monk.
White Steel Earring of the Arctic (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/DRU/CLR/SHM), Earring with Zombie Range. Dropped by Voras the Spider Matriarch.
White Ice Silk Slippers (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/DRU/MNK/BST), Shoes with Zombie Malaise. Dropped by Voras the Spider Matriarch.
Battletunic of Frozen Time (BER/ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/CLR/WAR), Chest with Discordant Healing and click effect Eternal Ward. Dropped by Nik the Frozen Heroslaye.
Legendary Chestwraps of Frozen Time (BST/DRU/MNK), Chest with Discordant Healing and click effect Form of Rejuvenation III. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Legendary Boots of Frozen Air (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/DRU/CLR/SHM), Boots with Vengeance of Magic. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Belt of Icy Sparks (BST/BRD/CLR/DRU/ENC/MAG/NEC/SHM/WIZ). Belt with Discordant Ice and String Resonance 17. Dropped by Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Ancient Ice Trinket of Insight (DRU/BST/MNK), Belt/Necklace with Discordant Speed. Dropped by Ancient Amalgam.
Mantle of the Ice Touched (MAG/ENC/NEC/WIZ/DRU/CLR/SHM), Shoulder with Discordant Magic. Dropped by Ancient Warlord Petrad.
Burning Goblin Idol (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/CLR/DRU/SHM), Range with Dragon Fire and 15% Pottery. Dropped by Golbi the Goblin Patriarch.
Helmet of the Serpent Hunter (BER/ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR), Helmet with Bulwark of the Dragorn and +15% Poison Making. Dropped by Golbi the Goblin Patriarch.
Ancient Spiritbound Stone Sleeves, Arms with Dragon Frost. Dropped by Golbi the Goblin Patriarch.
Shoulderpads of Ancient Summoning (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/BST/DRU/SHM), Shoulders with Servant of Chaos. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Bloodshot (WAR/ROG/RNG/PAL/SHD), 42/32 Bow with Sharpshooting IV and +5% Archery. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Tulla's Linked Bracelet (BST/DRU/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Bracer with Dragon Malady. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Huur's Battle Boots of War (BER/DRU/MNK/RNG/ROG/SHM), Boots with Ferocity IV and Dragon Frost. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Huur's Plate Boots of War (CLR/BRD/SHD/PAL/WAR), Boots with Ferocity IV and Dragon Thunder. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Summoran's Sandals of War, Boots with Dragon Fire. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Neckguard of Impenetrability (BRD/CLR/PAL/SHD/WAR), Neck with Alacrity of the Ikaav. Dropped by Summoran.
Mask of Untold Stories (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/DRU/CLR/SHM), Mask with Wulrine Guard. Dropped by Summoran.
Darkskin Band (DRU/BST/MNK), Helmet/Wrist with Wurine Preservation. Dropped by Summoran.
Sandals of the Beastmaster (DRU/BST/SHM/ENC/MAG/NEC), Boots with Servant of Chaos. Dropped by Summoran.
Fabled Flayed Barbarian Skin Leggings (MNK/BST), Legs with +30 Flying Kick and Vampiric Frost. Dropped by The Fabled Avatar of War.
Fabled Putrid Fleshbone Shield (CLR/DRU/SHM/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Shield with 12% Alteration and Okahn's Blood. Dropped by The Fabled Sengian Fly.
Ancient Crypt Robber's Chestplate (BER/RNG/ROG/SHM), Chest with Wurine Preservation and +30 Backstab. Dropped by Madame Chiasa.
Ancient Ripped Leggings of the Immortals (BST/DRU/MKN), Legs with Vampiric Fire and +20 Kick. Dropped by Madame Chiasa.
Fabled Decomposing Wristband (CLR/DRU/SHM/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Wrist with 16% Tailoring and Okahn's Blood. Dropped by The Fabled Rallius Rattican.
Fabled Pus Covered Beetle Carapace (CLR/DRU/SHM/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Shield with Avariciousness of the Aneuk. Dropped by The Fabled Grummus.
Fabled Fetid Flesh Wristband (CLR/DRU/SHM/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), Wrist with Oroshar's Fire. Dropped by The Fabled Grummus.
Torque of the Vampire Lord (All except ENC, NEC, MAG, WIZ), Belt with click effect Invigoration of the Ry`Gorr. Dropped by The Sage of Death.
Ultrafabled Matchless Dragonhide Breastplate (BER, SHM, ROG, BRD, SHD, RNG, PAL, CLR, WAR), Breasplate with Cleave VII and Ultrafabled Range (35% range). Dropped by The Ultrafabled Sontalak.
Ultrafabled Matchless Dragonspine Vambraces  (BER, SHM, ROG, BRD, SHD, RNG, PAL, CLR, WAR), Arms with Improved Dodge VII. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Sontalak.
Ultrafabled Matchless Dragon Horn Boots (BER, SHM, ROG, BRD, SHD, RNG, PAL, CLR, WAR), Boots with Beneficial Haste 30. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Sontalak.
All Classes
Fluffy's Robe, Robe with Extended Enhancement II. Dropped globally.
Fluffy's Leggings, Legs with Mana Preservation II. Dropped globally.
Fluffy's Cap, Helmet with Extended Range II. Dropped globally.
Fabled Mammoth Hide Cloak, Cloak with Improved Damage III. Dropped by The Fabled Ice Goblin Alchemist.
Fabled Silverwing Circlet, Ring with Extended Range III. Dropped by the Fabled Ice Witch.
Esterella's Prayer Shawl, Shoulders/Cloak with click effect Snare. Dropped by Estrella of Gloomwater in the solo instance.
Legendary Cloak of Flames, Cloak with 36% Haste. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Nagafen and Legendary Treasure Chest of Ixibat.
Cazel's Distillate of Celestial Healing, Unlimited Potion with Elixir of Healing VII (Recast time 90s). Dropped by Treasure Chest of Cazel.
Earring of the Sand Dunes, Earring with Extended Range III. Dropped by Treasure Chest of Cazel.
Fabled Hierophant's Cloak, Cloak with Mana Preservation IV. Dropped by the Fabled Hierophant Prime Grekal.
Fabled Crown of Queen Ahex`Ka, Helmet with Anger of E'ci. Dropped by The Fabled Queen Ahex`Ka.
Ancient Staff of Forbidden Rite (BER, CLR, DRU, SHM, BST, PAL) 2HB with unlimited click effect Resurrection, clickable from inventory by all classes. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Lady Vox' Sister.
Legendary Mantle of Fire, Shoulders with Anger of Ro. Dropped by Ixiblat Fer from solo instance.
Legendary Tobrin's Mystical Eyepatch, Mask with Fury of E'ci. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Lady Vox' Sister.
Legendary Mask of Latazura, Mask with click effect Improved Superior Camouflage and Ultravision. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Latazura.
Legendary Bracelet of Quickness, Bracer with Quickening of the Dead. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Doomshade.
Legendary Bracelet of Fortitude, Bracer with click effect Fortitude. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Doomshade.
Fabled Midnight Drolvarg Cloak, Cloak with Fury of Ro. Dropped by The Fabled Decayed Prisoner, The Fabled Drolvarg Captain, The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Legendary Fabled Midnight Drolvarg Cloak, Cloak with Wrath of Ro. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Fabled Polished Mithril Faceguard, Mask with Improved Damage IV. Dropped by the Fabled Magus Rokyl II.
Fabled Living Thunder Earring, Earring with Faerune. Dropped by The Fabled Derakor the Vindicator.
Fabled Golden Efreeti Turban, Helmet with Vengeance of Fire. Dropped by The Fabled Efreeti Lord Djiarn II.
Ring of Fire, Ring with Burning Fire. Dropped by Spectral Assassin of Chottal.
Fabled Death Mask of the Elysians Mask with click effect Augmentation of Death. Dropped by The Fabled Elysian Elder.
Fabled Snow Storm Mask, Mask with Discordant Ice. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Earing of Perfect Sight, Earring with Druzzil's Range. Dropped by Zun`Pixtt Invi Mal in Qvic.
Mask of the Black Void, Mask with Wrath of Druzzil. Dropped by Zun`Pixtt Invi Mal in Qvic.
Mask of the Evil, Mask with Burning Fire. Dropped by Zun`Pixtt Invi Mal in Qvic.
Scarred Flesh Band, Belt with Eterninostrum. Dropped by Zun`Hexxt Pvin Nki in Qvic.
Ancient Fungus Covered Scale Tunic, Tunic with Marr's Blessing. Dropped by Ancient Myconid Spore Empress.
Fabled Frozen Turban, Helmet with Vengeance of Ice. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar.
Earring of Elder Knowledge, Earring with Discordant Magic and Wind Resonance 16. Dropped by Primal Ukun Warhound.
Bracelet of Frozen Blood, Bracer with Form of Rejuvenation IV. Dropped by Echo of Synarcana.
Chains of Never Melting Ice, Neck/Range with Discordant Distance. Dropped by Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Frozen Robe of the White Sky, Chest with Improved Dodge III and Alacrity of the Aneuk. Dropped by Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Compass of the Hive Summoner, Secondary/Range with click effect Call of the Hero, recast 1 minute.
Ring of Cold Dreams, Ring with Improved Dodge III. Dropped by Ancient Seer Venos.
Drape of the Icy Seer, Robe with Penuriousness of the Aneuk. Dropped by Ancient Seer Venos.
Headband of the Ice Sage, Helmet with Penuriousness of the Ikaav. Dropped by Ancient Seer Venos.
Roughcut Band of Mortal Rage, Ring with Wurine Alacrity. Dropped by Sullon Mclarren.
Singing Ice Topaz, Range with Discordant Ice and Brass Resonance 17. Dropped by Ancient Warlord Petrad.
Ancient Spaulders of the Slavemaster, Shoulders with Improved Dodge IV. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Cloe's Cloak, Cloak with Dragon Health. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Bulwark of Burning Echos, Shield with Vindication of the Dragorn. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Fabled Bracelet of Quickness, Bracer with Quickening of the Dead. Dropped by The Fabled Doomshade and The Fabled Zelnithak.
Earring of Perseverance, Earring with click effect Form of Endurance III. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Ring of Impregnability, Ring with click effect Form of Defense III. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Girdle of Dark Secrets, Belt with Wulrine Alacrity. Dropped by Summoran.
Fabled Chooser's Cap, Helmet with click effect Reyfin's Random Musings. Dropped by Fabled Rumblecrush.
Fabled Shawl of Ice, Shoulders with Improved Parry / Block IV. Dropped by Fabled Rumblecrush.
Hood of the Tutor, Shoulders with Improved Dodge V and Vampiric Bile. Dropped by Trysta the Dark Tutor.
Ancient Crimson Cloak of Celerity, Cloak with 46% haste, Ikaav Gaze and 4% Dual Wield. Dropped by Trysta the Dark Tutor.
Dark Robe of Clairvoyance, Robe with Vampiric Alacrity and click effect Chaotic Enlightenment. Dropped by The Sage of Death.
Trinket of Garudon, Trinket with click effect Garudon's Rage. Sold by Walter.
Fabled Velium Etched Helm, Helmet with 32 AC 90 HPs. Dropped by The Fabled Fierce Blizzard Hunter.
Girdle of the Living Thorns, Belt with click effect Spikecoat. Sold by Cacuzza or dropped by Tunare.
Fabled Mask of the Sky, Mask with Improved Parry / Block II. Dropped by The Fabled Eashen of the Sky.
Legendary Shield of Strife, Shield with Furious Bash VII. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest Rallos Zek in instanced Plane of Tactics.
Bulwark of the Dark Eye, Shield with Furious Bash V. Dropped by Zun`Hexxt Jkak Miq in Qvic.
Honed Trinket of Greater Protection, Earring with 3% Shielding. Dropped by Zun`Pixtt Invi Mal in Qvic.
Ancient Breastplate of Eradication, Chest with Cleave II. Dropped by Ancient Statue of War in instanced Plane of Tactics.
Fabled Shield of the Freezing Winds, Shield with Furious Bash VI. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Fabled Poisoned Mantle, Shoulders with Improved Dodge II. Dropped by The Fabled Trakanon.
Battle Helmet of Howling, Helmet with +6% Taunt. Dropped by Primal Ukun Warhound.
Shield of Frozen Barriers, Shield with Furious Bash VII. Dropped by Ancient Warlord Petrad.
Ancient Warlord's Steel Gauntlets, Gloves with 12% Riposte. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Shield of the Troll Commander, Shield with Furious Bash VII. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Fabled Helmet of Rallos Zek, Helmet with Faerune. Dropped by The Fabled Avatar of War.
Blue Band of the Oak, Ring with Extended Enhancement II and click effect Greater Healing. Sold by Fluffy for 150 platinum
Keeper's Mythstone, Charm Augmentation with Preservation of Mithaniel. Sold by Cloe or dropped by Small Treasure Chests.
Fabled Blue Band of the Oak, Ring with Improved Healing IV and click effect Word of Healing. Sold by Walter.
Splendid Mightstone of Recovery, Type 15 Augmentation for Finger/Ear. Sold by Cloe.
Mythstone of Love, Charm Augmentation with Marr's Gift. Sold by Cloe to players with very high faction.
Fabled Robe of Living Fungus (DRU/CLR), Robe with Enhancement Haste IV. Dropped by the Fabled Myconid Spore King.
Legendary Simple Ring of Purity, Ring with Marr's Gift. Sold by Cacuzza or dropped by Chests of Xegony.
Fabled Death Watcher's Shroud, Shoulders with Preservation of Xegony. Dropped by The Fabled Elysian Elder.
Ancient Fungus Covered Scale Tunic, Chest with Marr's Blessing. Dropped by Ancient Myconid Spore Empress.
Fabled White Dragon Scale Sash, Belt with Dragon Health. Dropped by The Fabled King Tormax.
Glowing Orb of Mortal Rage, Range with Zombie Range. Dropped by Sullon Mclarren.
Vambraces of Green Light, Arms with Dragon Health and Improved Dodge IV. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Ring of Shock, Ring with Mana Preservation II and click effect Shock of Spike. Sold by Fluffy for 150 platinum.
Artifact of Terris, Trinket with click effect Lure Scent of Terris. Sold by Walter.
Bracelet of the Sage, Bracer with Anger of Druzzil. Sold by Walter.
Splendid Mightstone of Aggression, Type 15 Augmentation for Finger/Ear. Sold by Cloe.
Splendid Mightstone of Fire, Augmentation with Specialize Evocation 8%. Sold by Cloe.
Fabled Book of Twilight, Primary/Secondary with Fury of Druzzil. Dropped by The Fabled Gregendek Icepaw.
Legendary Ring of the Skywing, Ring with Fury of Ro. Sold by Cacuzza or dropped by Chests of Phara Dar.
Fabled Orb of Tishan, Orb with click effect Howl of Tashan. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Nagafen.
Fabled White Silk Gloves, Gloves with Fury of Druzzil. Dropped by The Fabled Drolvarg Captain and The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Legendary Fabled White Silk Gloves, Gloves with Wrath of Druzzil. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Fabled Mithril Bracelet, Bracer with Murk Venom. Dropped by The Fabled Knight of Sathir.
Fabled Glimmering Statuette, Range with Conjuration +5%. Dropped by The Fabled Elysian Elder.
Fabled Tainted Skin Shroud, Shoulders with Improved Dodge III and Discordant Magic. Dropped by The Fabled Bloodwretch.
The Fabled Frost Covered Tome, Primary/Secondary with Vengeance of Magic. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar.
Fabled Bracelet of Frostbite, Bracer with Vengeance of Ice and 15% Research. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Fabled Mana Robe, Robe with Preservation of the Dead and Instant-click effect Mana Conversion (Recast Casting Time 5s). Dropped by The Fabled Trakanon.
Glowing Orb of Mortal Rage, Range with Zombie Range. Dropped by Sullon Mclarren.
Gloves of Twelve Seams, Gloves with Alacrity of the Ikaav. Dropped by Ugluuk.
Artifact of Confusing Whisper (ROG/BST/BER/RNG), Range with click effect Confusing Whisper. Sold by Cacuzza.
Ancient Cloak of the Falling Stars (BER/BST/ROG/BRD/MNK), Back with Ferocity II. Dropped by the Ancient Statue of War in instanced Plane of Tactics.
White Stud of Delirium, Earring with Ferocity III. Dropped by Voras the Spider Matriarch.
Sullon's Stormwrath Tunic (WAR/ROG/BER), Chest with Cleave IV. Dropped by Sullon Mclarren.
Spiked Faceguard of Mortal Rage, Mask with Ferocity IV. Dropped by Sullon Mclarren.
Statue of the Frozen Warmaiden (BRD/BER/BST/MNK/RNG/ROG), Range with Ferocity IV. Dropped by Ancient Warlord Petrad.
Ring of Frozen Air, Ring with click effect Ancient Power. Dropped by Ancient Warlord Petrad.
Ancient Goblin Idol of Rujark, Range with Ferocity IV. Dropped by Golbi the Goblin Patriarch.
Everlasting Twisting Ring, Ring with Ferocity V and Brass Resonance 19. Dropped by Bloodstice.
Fabled Putrid Shoulderpads, Shoulders with Improved Dodge V. Dropped by The Fabled Sengian Fly.
Vampire Frenzy Earring, Earring with click effect Ancient Power and +30 Frenzy. Dropped by Madame Chiasa.
Some classes can convert their spell-power abilities into an artifact. Creating the actual artifact requires good faction with Cloe (handing in 1 invaluable coin). These artifacts are tradable and can be used by some other classes.
For details how to create these artifacts see Notable NPC Cloe.
Artifact of Savagery (BST/SHM/BER), Req 58, Trinket with click effect Savagery.
Artifact of Dominion (BST/SHM/NEC), Req 62, Trinket with click effect Spiritual Dominion.
Artifact of the Divine (CLR/PAL/MNK), Req 55, Trinket with click effect Divine Intervention (60s rechast).
Artifact of Devotion (CLR/PAL/ENC), Req 66, Trinket with click effect Aura of Devotion.
Artifact of the Nine (DRU/RNG/ENC), Req 60, Trinket with click effect Protection of the Nine.
Artifact of the Oak (DRU/RNG/SHM), Req 66, Trinket with click effect Blessing of Oak.
Artifact of Vallon (ENC/BRD/SHM), Req 59, Trinket with click effect Speed of Vallon.
Artifact of Koadic (ENC/WIZ/BRD), Req 58, Trinket with click effect Koadic's Endless Intellect.
Artifact of the Hero (MAG/ENC/WIZ), Req 52, Trinket with click effect Call of the Hero.
Artifact of Fireskin (MAG/WIZ/DRU), Req 62, Trinket with click effect Maelstrom of Ro.
Artifact of the Dead (NEC/SHD/ROG), Req 58, Trinket with click effect Perfected Dead Man Floating.
Artifact of Rathe (RNG/DRU/WAR), Req 58, Trinket with click effect Call the of Rathe.
Artifact of the Predator (RNG/BST/DRU), Req 62, Trinket with click effect Spirit of the Predator.
Artifact of the Jaguar (SHM/BST/DRU), Req 55, Trinket with click effect Spirit of the Jaguar.
Artifact of the Leopard (SHM/ENC), Req 65, Trinket with click effect Talisman of the Leopard.
Artifact of Phasemarching (WIZ/ENC/ROG), Req 62, Trinket with click effect Phase March.
Mask of Deception (all/all), Mask with click effect Illusion: Dark Elf. Dropped by The Fabled Ghoul Assassin.
Fabled Mask of Obtenebration (all/all), Mask with click effect Illusion: Erudite. Dropped by The Fabled Skeleton Procurator.
Flayed Froglok Hide Mask (ROG/BRD), Mask with click effect Illusion: Froglok. Dropped by Spectral Assassin of Chottal.
Fabled Lycanthropic Staff (BER/BST/SHM/DRU/RNG), 62/40 2HB with click effect Form of the Hunter. Dropped by The Fabled Ventril Sathir.
Legendary Flayed Northman Mask (ROG/BRD/MNK), Mask with click effect Illusion: Barbarian. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Flayed Frost Goblin Hide Mask (ROG/BRD), Mask with click effect Illusion: Frost Goblin. Dropped by Ancient Warlord Petrad.
Flayed Hide Mask of Tulla (ROG/BRD), Mask with click effect Illusion: Troll Pirate. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Fabled Flayed Barbarian Hide Mask (ROG/BRD), Mask with click effect Illusion: Barbarian. Dropped by The Fabled Avatar of War.
Fabled Decaying Mask (all/all), Belt with click effect Illusion: Werewolf. Dropped by The Fabled Diseased Infested Bubonian.
Radiant Howlite of Minor Dexterity, Augmentation with Improved Dodge I. Sold by Walter.
Defender's Mythstone, Charm Augmentation. Sold by Cloe or dropped by Small Treasure Chests.
Radiant Kyanite of Minor Ferocity, Augmentation with Ferocity I. Sold by Walter.
Radiant Tourmaline of Minor Sundering, Augmentation with Cleave I. Sold by Walter.
Mythstone of the Gray Wizard (WIZ/ENC/MAG), Charm Augmentation with Penuriousness of the Aneuk. Sold by Cloe.
Conserved Brain of an Ant Queen (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), type 7/8/15, 25 Mana, 2 Charisma, 2 Intelligence, 2 Mana Regen, 5 Spell Damage. Dropped by Small Amber Treasure Chest and GrimClaw.
Royal Gem of the Overking, type 4/7/8/15, 15 AC, 10 Attack 10 Spell Damage. Dropped by Overking Bathezid.
Conserved Brain of a Vixen (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), type 7/8/15, 45 Mana, 4 Charisma, 4 Intelligence, 3 Mana Regen, 10 Spell Damage. Dropped by Amber Treasure Chest and various named in Siren's Grotto.
Conserved Brain of an Owl (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), type 7/8/15, 65 Mana, 6 Charisma, 6 Intelligence, 4 Mana Regen, 15 Spell Damage. Dropped by Amber Treasure Chest and various named in Siren's Grotto.
Conserved Brain of a Dragoness (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ), type 7/8/15, 85 Mana, 8 Charisma, 8 Intelligence, 5 Mana Regen, 20 Spell Damage. Dropped by Might Amber Treasure Chest, Legendary Treasure Chest of Lady Vox, Gorenaire, The Fabled Gorenaire, Lady Mirenilla, Lady Nevederia and Lendiniara the Keeper.
Heavy Diaku Armor Fragment (WAR/PAL/SHD/BRD/CLR), type 7/8, 15 AC, 25 HPs, 25 Mana, 25 Endurance, 5 Resist Fire, 5 Resist Cold. Dropped by Guardian of the Halls in instanced Plane of Tactics.
Shattered Frozen Heart, type 7/8, 100 HP, 100 Mana, 100 Endurance, 3 HP Regen, 3 Spell Shielding. Dropped by Echo of Synarcana.
Pristine Diamond of Freezing Protection, type 7/8/15, 18 AC, 3 Avoidance, 3 Spell Shielding, 0+9 Cold Resist. Dropped by Devouring Vortex, Ancient Amalgam and Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Pristine Gemstone of Knowledge, type 7/8/15, 90 Mana, 2 Mana Regen, 2 Stun Resist, 0+9 Wisdom. Dropped by Devouring Vortex, Ancient Amalgam and Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Pristine Turquoise of Intellect, type 7/8/15, 90 Mana, 2 Mana Regen, 5 Clairvoyance, 0+9 Intelligence. Dropped by Devouring Vortex, Ancient Amalgam and Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Pristine Ruby of Constitution, type 7/8/15, 90 HPs, 90 Endurance, 2 HP Regen, 0+9 Stamina. Dropped by Devouring Vortex, Ancient Amalgam and Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Discordant Gem of, type 15. Discordant gems are slightly inferior versions of Brilliant Gems and are rare-drops from any Tier 7/8 Legendary Treasure Chests.
Tkarish Zyk's Mightstone of Avoidance, type 15, 80 HPs, 80 Mana, 80 Endurance, 15 Avoidance. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest Tkarish Zyk.
Soul Essence of Tkarish Zyk's Mightstone, type 7/8, 100 HPs, 100 Mana, 100 Endurance, 3 Avoidance, 3 CE, 3 Spell Shielding, 3 DoT Shielding. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest Tkarish Zyk.
Frosty Gem of Enhanced Protection (WAR/PAL/SHD/BRD/CLR), type 1/2/4-12, 35 AC. Dropped by Nik the Frozen Heroslayer or Treasure Chest from LDoN Raid: Frozen Nightmare.
Pristine Blue Sapphire, type 7/8/15, 110 Mana, 15+15 Resist Cold, 2 Mana Regen. Dropped by Steelslave Brute, Steelslave Crusher, Steelslave Smasher, Steelslave Marauder.
Pristine Green Sapphire, type 7/8/15, 110 Endurance, 15+15 Resist Posion, 2 Endurance Regen. Dropped by Steelslave Brute, Steelslave Crusher, Steelslave Smasher, Steelslave Marauder.
Pristine Red Sapphire, type 7/8/15, 110 HPs, 15+15 Resist Fire, 2 HPs Regen. Dropped by Steelslave Brute, Steelslave Crusher, Steelslave Smasher, Steelslave Marauder.
Pristine Yellow Diamond, type 7/8/15, 25 AC, 25 HPs, 25 Mana, 25 Endurance, 2 Avoidance, 2 Spell Shielding. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Pristine Black Diamond, type 7/8/15, 110 HPs, 110 Mana, 110 Endurance, 5 Attack, 5 Spell Damage. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Pristine Blue Diamond, type 7/8/15, 3 all Heroic Resists, 2 Shielding, 2 DoT Shielding, 2 Spell Shielding. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Brilliant Gem of Aim, type 15, 100 HPs, 20 Attack, Sharpshooting V. Dropped Vaelin Grimlore the Dead.
Brilliant Gem of Bile, type 15, 100 Mana, 5 DoT Shielding, Vampiric Bile. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Rumblecrush, Legendary Treasure Chest of Summoran and The Fabled Sengian Fly.
Brilliant Gem of Cleave, type 15, 100 HPs, 20 Attack, Cleave V. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest Fabled Rumblecrush and Legendary Treasure Chest Summoran.
Brilliant Gem of Dodge, type 15, 100 HPs, 10 Avoidance, Improved Dodge V. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest Fabled Rumblecrush and Legendary Treasure Chest Summoran.
Brilliant Gem of Ferocity, type 15, 100 HPs, 10 CE, Ferocity V. Dropped The Fabled Avatar of War and the Fabled Grummus.
Brilliant Gem of Fire, type 15, 100 Mana, 20 Spell Damage, Vampiric Fire. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Rumblecrush and Legendary Treasure Chest of Summoran.
Brilliant Gem of Frost, type 15, 100 Mana, 4 Spell Shielding, Vampiric Frost. Dropped The Fabled Avatar of War and the Fabled Grummus.
Brilliant Gem of Healing, type 15, 100 Mana, 20 Healing, Vampiric Health. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Rumblecrush and Legendary Treasure Chest of Summoran.
Brilliant Gem of Malady, type 15, 100 Mana, 5 Avoidance, Vampiric Malady. Dropped by The Fabled Sengian Fly and Vaelin Grimlore the Dead.
Brilliant Gem of Malaise, type 15, 100 Mana, 4 DoT Shielding, Zombie Malaise. Dropped Vaelin Grimlore the Dead.
Brilliant Gem of Parry, type 15, 20 AC 50 HPs, Improved Parry / Block V. Dropped The Fabled Avatar of War and the Fabled Grummus.
Brilliant Gem of Preservation, type 15, 100 Mana, 10 Clairvoyance, Wurine Preservation. Dropped The Fabled Avatar of War and the Fabled Grummus.
Brilliant Gem of Thunder, type 15, 100 Mana, 5 Mana Regen, Vampiric Thunder. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Rumblecrush and Legendary Treasure Chest of Summoran.
Conqueror of the Spider Den, type 7/8/15, 20 AC, 200 HP, 200 Mana, 200 Endurance, 0+10 Cold Resist, 0+10 Poison Resist, 20 Attack, 2 Avoidance, 2 Shielding, 2 Spell Shielding, 2 DoT Shielding, 2 Accuracy, 2 Combat Effects, 2 Clairvoyance, 2 Stun Resist. Quest reward from Torintt in The Spider Den.
Trysta's Skirt Button, Type 15/8/7, 10 Avoidance, 3 Clairvoyance, Sundersky's Thunder. Dropped by Trysta the Dark Tutor.
Asscher Gem of Aim, type 15. 125 HP, 25 Attack, Sharpshooting VI. Rare-drop of the Legendary Treasure Chests of: Chiasa, Groobsmashs, Summoran.
Asscher Gem of Cleave, type 15. 125 HP, 25 Attack, Cleave VI. Rare-drop of the Legendary Treasure Chests of: Fabled Agnarr, Fabled Rumblecrush, Vishimtar.
Asscher Gem of Ferocity, type 15. 125 HP, 12 Combat Effect, Ferocity VI. Rare-drop of the Legendary Treasure Chests of: Chiasa, Groobsmashs, Summoran.
Asscher Gem of Frost, type 15. 125 Mana, 5 Spell Shielding, Thanus' Ice. Rare-drop of the Legendary Treasure Chests of: Fabled Agnarr, Fabled Rumblecrush, Vishimtar.
Asscher Gem of Malaise, type 15. 125 Mana 5 DoT Shielding, Curse of Takish. Rare-drop of the Legendary Treasure Chests of: Parian, Skal.
Asscher Gem of Parry, type 15. 25 AC 60 HP, Improved Parry / Block VI. Rare-drop of the Legendary Treasure Chests of: Parian, Skal.
The Fabled Sum of Skal`s Nightmares, type 7/8, 250 HPs, 200 Mana, 200 End, 0+6 Dexterity, 0+6 Agility, 0+6 Resist Fire, 0+6 Resist Cold. Dropped by The Fabled Skal's Waking Nightmare.
Summon Pets
Staff of Water Elements (CLR, DRU, SHM, NEC, WIZ, MAG, ENC), Primary/secondary with click effect (req 40) Conjuration: Water, Dropped by Phinigel Autropos (solo instance only).
Fabled Fang Amulet of Calling (BST, SHM, DRU, RNG), Necklace with click-effect (req 60) Frenzied Spirit. Dropped by The Fabled Construct of Sathir.
Legendary Amulet of Kashek (BST, SHM, DRU, RNG), Necklace with click-effect (req 60) Spirit of Kashek. Sold by Private Joe.
Artifact of Monsters (BST, ENC, MAG, NEC, DRU, SHM), Range with click effect (req 59) Monster Summoning III. Sold by Cacuzza.
Gloves of Twelve Shepherds (BST, DRU, RNG), Gloves with click effect Nature Walker's Behest. Dropped by Ugluuk.
Artifact of the Red Demon (NEC), Range with click effect (req 45) Red Demon Bones (Red Skeleton pet). Sold by Huell.
Artifact of Razorclaw (BST), Range with click effect (req 45) Spirit of Razorclaw (Raptor pet). Sold by Huell.
Artifact of Asterion (ENC, MAG), Range with click effect (req 45) Spirit of Asterion (Minotaur pet). Sold by Huell.
Artifact of the Dark Assassin (NEC), Range with click effect (req 67) Dark Assassin. Sold by Cacuzza.
Artifact of Saryrn (ENC, NEC, SHD), Range with click effect (req 68) Saryrn's CompanionÂ
Ring of the Lion Spirit (BST, NEC, DRU, SHM, MAG), Ring with click effect (req 68) Spirit of Soshra. Dropped by Solstice the Firemane.
BST/MNK 2HB Augmentations
Punishing Segment, type 4, Damage 3, +4% 2HB. Sold by Gene McGoodman.
Punishing Gem, type 4, Damage 4, +5% 2HB. Sold by Gene McGoodman.
Splendid Mightstone of Punishing, type 4/8, Damage 6, +8% 2HB. Sold by Cloe.
Bloodstone of Punishing, type 4/8, Damage 8, Magic Damage 1, +10% 2HB. Dropped by Guardian of Righteousness and Skeletal Monk.
Punishing Granite of Sundering, type 4/8, Damage 12, Magic Damage 2, +12% 2HB. Dropped by Tunat`Muram Cuu Vauax.
Punishing Granite of Crushing, type 4/8, Damage 14, Magic Damage 3, +15% 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Rumblecrush. Sold by Felux of Nexus.
Punishing Granite of Earth, type 4/8, Damage 16, Magic Damage 4, +16% 2HB. Dropped by A Fabled Prismatic Basilisk.
Punishing Granite of Vaelin, type 4/8, Damage 18, Magic Damage 4, +17% 2HB. Dropped by Vaelin Grimlore the Dead. Sold by Selene.
Punishing Granite of Rydda'Dar, type 4/8, Damage 20, Magic Damage 5, +18% 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Rydda'Dar.
Class Specific
Class specific weapons are imbued with magical properties that resonate with the unique abilities of each class. The singing short sword of bards hums with enchanting melodies that can sway the hearts of enemies, while the celestial fists of monks channel the power of the heavens to strike with divine force. These weapons are not just tools of combat, but symbols of the class's identity and purpose.Â
Singing Short Sword, Epic 16/26 1HS. Sold by Cloe.
Legendary Siren Song, Dagger of the Sea, 15/22 Piercing. Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Cloe's Ring of Enchanting, Ring with click effect Dictate. Sold by Cloe to players with very high faction.
Greater Mightstone of Sound, Augmentation Type 15 with All Instrument Resonance 10. Sold by Beryl.
Echo of Trusik Lute, Primary/Secondary/Range with String Resonance 19 and instant-cast Echo of the Trusik. Dropped by Tqiv Trusik Fanatic and sold by Marcus.
Lute of Dark Harmony, Primary/Secondary/Range with String Resonance 23. Dropped by Zun`Hexxt Jkak Miq in Qvic.
Fabled Singing Steel Breastplate, Chest with Cleave II and Brass Resonance 18. Dropped by The Fabled Trakanon.
Claw of the Savage Spirt (x2), Epic 13/21 H2H. Sold by Cloe.
Fists of Icy Punches, 26/19 H2H. Dropped by Skeletal Fury.
Fabled Wild Lord's Tunic, Tunic with click effect Bladecoat. Dropped by The Fabled Trakanon.
Artifact of the Irionu, Req 67, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Ferocity of Irionu. Sold by Cacuzza.
Black Panther Trinket, Req 67, Necklace with click effect Growl of the Panther. Dropped by the Fabled Rallius Rattican.
Kerasin's Axe of Ire, Epic 46/37 2HS. Sold by Cloe
Legendary Frozen Axe of the Slayer, 66/34 2HS. Dropped byLegendary Treasure Chest of Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Battleaxe of Mortal Rage, 71/33 2HS. Dropped by Sullon Mclarren.
Water Sprinkler of Nem Ankh, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Artifact of Terris, Trinket with click effect Lure Scent of Terris. Sold by Walter.
Artifact of the Blameless, Req 66, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Mark of the Blameless. Sold by Cacuzza.
Fabled Donal's Chestplate of Mourning, Chest with click effect Complete Heal (Casting time 10s, Recast time 60s). Dropped by the Fabled Trakanon.
Fabled Artifact of the Divine, Req 66, Trinket with instant-click effect Divine Intervention (Recast time 60s). Dropped by the Fabled Avatar of War.
Artifact of the Conviction, Req 67, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Hand of Conviction. Sold by Cacuzza.
Armguards of Stolen Health, Req 67, Arms with click effect Ethereal Light (Recast time 24s). Dropped by The Sage of Death.
Nature Walker Scimitar, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Nature Walker's Breastplate, Chest with click effect Ro's Smoldering Disjunction. Sold by Victor.
Legendary Blade of the Tempest, 1HS with click effect Tempest Wrath. Sold by Victor.
Legendary Nature Walker's Breastplate, Chestplate with click effect Ro's Smoldering Disjunction. Sold by Victor.
Fabled Hierophant`s Crook, 2HB with proc- and click effect Upheaval. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Nagafen.
Artifact of the Reptile, Req 66, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Skin of the Reptile. Sold by Cacuzza.
Brownbear Gloves, Gloves with click effect Hand or Ro. Dropped by Skeletal Fury.
Artifact of Steeloak, Req 67, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Blessing of Steeloak. Sold by Cacuzza.
Staff of the Serpent, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Cloe's Ring of Enchanting, Ring with click effect Dictate. Sold by Cloe to players with very high faction.
Artifact of Mana Strike, Req 65, Range/Secondary with click effect Mana Flare (recast time 60s). Sold by Cacuzza.
Artifact of Rikkukin, Req 66, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Rune of Rikkukin. Sold by Cacuzza.
Fabled Crystal Crown of Confusion, Helmet with click effect Synapsis Spasm and 15% Jewelry Making. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Earring of Queen Pyrilonis, Earring with Sundersky's Thunder and click effect Boon of the Firebeast. Dropped by Queen Pyrilonis.
Earring of King Gelaqua, Earring with Zombie Range and click effect Boon of the Gelidran. Dropped by King Gelaqua.
Prism of Runes, Earring with click effect Ethereal Rune. Dropped by Skeletal Fury.
Artifact of Salik, Req 67, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Hastening of Salik. Sold by Cacuzza.
Artifact of Clairvoyance, Req 67, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Voice of Clairvoyance. Sold by Cacuzza.
Spell: Summon Orb, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Artifact of the Pyrilen, Req 66, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Pyrilen Skin. Sold by Cacuzza.
Fabled Boots of Bladecalling, Boots with click effect Black Steel. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Blazing Fire Ring, Ring with click effect Fire Shard. Dropped by Skeletal Fury.
Celestial Fists, Epic Gloves. Sold by Cloe.
Fabled Cane of Harmony, 12/18 1HB. Dropped by The Fabled Harbinger Freglor.
Fabled Adamantite Club, 23/25 1HB. Dropped by The Fabled Skeletal Procurator.
The Fabled Peacebringer, 37/30 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Tolapumj.
Fabled Efreeti Ice Staff, 71/35 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar.
Frozen Knuckle Guards, 28/20 H2H. Dropped by Skeletal Monk.
Fabled Wrist Guard of Thunder, Bracer with +20 Flying Kick. Dropped by The Fabled King Tormax.
Scythe of the Shadowed Soul, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Trinket of Bertoxxulous, Trinket with Instant-click effect Drain Soul. Sold by Walter.
Trinket of Innoruuk, Trinket with Instant-click effect Touch of Innoruuk. Sold by Walter.
Trinket of Inruku, Trinket with Instant-click effect Touch of Inruku. Sold by Walter.
Tombstone piece of Grummus, Augmentation with Ravenglass' Curse. Dropped by Grummus and The Fabled Grummus.
Tombstone piece of Saryrn, Augmentation with Okahn's Blood. Dropped by Saryrn in Plane of Torment and Time.
Artifact of Deathfang, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Fang of Death (req 66). Sold by Cacuzza.
Fabled Bone Bracelet of Condemnation, Bracer with Vengeance of Magic and click effect Chill Bones. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Frozen Bloodstained Wristband, Bracer with click effect Chaos Plague and Zombie Malaise. Dropped by Skeletal Assassin.
Tombstone piece of Voras, Augmentation with Voras' Bite (Increase Spell Damage by 20% to 75%, Limit: DoT). Dropped by Voras the Spider Matriarch.
Tombstone piece of Trysta, Augmentation with Trysta's Bite (Increase Spell Damage by 30% to 85%, Limit: DoT). Dropped by Trysta the Dark Tutor.
Artifact of the Red Demon (NEC), Range with click effect (req 45) Red Demon Bones. Sold by Huell. Red Demon Bones summons a red skeleton pet, which when summoned at level 45 is comparable to the Magician's Epic pet. The pet highly scales with pet power focus and, when summoned with a high level focus effect, is only outmatched by the Dark Assassin.
Artifact of the Dark Assassin, Range/Secondary/Waist with Trysta's Burning Fire (Increase Spell Damage by 35% to 95%, Limit: DoT, Limit: Fire) and click effect (req 67) Dark Assassin. Sold by Cacuzza.
Ancient: Chiasa's Kiss, Scroll with level 68 tap spell. Dropped by Tier 10 boss NPCs.
Artifact of the Dread Pyre, Range/Secondary/Waist with Zombie Malaise and click effect Dread Pyre (req 68). Sold by Cacuzza.
Trinket of Akilae. Trinket with Instant-click effect Force of Akilae. Sold by Walter.
Legendary Ghould Bane, 15/34. Retrieved through the regular Ghoulbane quest.
Fiery Defender, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Fiery Advocate, 1 handed Epic. Sold by Cloe to players with good faction.
Legendary Fiery Advocate, upgraded Epic with an extra augmentation slot. Received through quest of Princess Viola.
Fabled Blue Band of the Oak, Ring with Improved Healing IV and click effect Word of Healing. Sold by Walter.
Mythstone of the First Knight, Charm Augmentation with 625 HPs, Sold by Cloe.
Stone of Marr, Augmentation with Light of Marr. Dropped by Lord Mithaniel Marr and Skeletal Monk.
Swiftwind, Epic 13/21 1HS. Sold by Cloe.
Earthcaller, Epic 14/24 1HS. Sold by Cloe.
Splendid Mightstone of Precision, Augmentation for Bow. Sold by Cloe.
Trinket of Hail, Trinket with Instant-click effect Hail of Arrows. Sold by Walter.
Legendary Tolan's Longbow, 34/32 Bow. Sold by Victor.
Legendary Tolan's Longsword of the Glade, 15/21 1HS. Sold by Victor or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Fabled Wind Saber, 24/22 Bow. Dropped by The Fabled Sebilite Guardian.
Ancient Warmaster's Recurved Longbow, 34/30 Bow. Dropped by Tallon Zek.
Legendary Fabled Lupine Dagger, 15/18 Piercing. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Mithril Ghost Arrow, Damage 14, Magic Damage 4 Arrow. Dropped by Echo of Synarcana.
Bloodshot, 49/31 Bow with Sharpshooting IV. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Vampire Blood Arrow, Damage 15, Chromatic Damage 4 Arrow. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Chiasa.
Esmeralda, the Heartwood Bow 58/30 Epic Bow 2.0. Quested through Esmeralda in Surefall Glades.
Ragebringer, Epic 15/25 Piercing. Sold by Cloe.
Legendary Mrylokar's Dagger of Venegance, 15/19 Piercing. Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Fabled Frozen Shard, 17/26 Piercing. Dropped by The Fabled Fjokar Frozenshard.
Assassin's Flask of the Shissar, Range with click effect Bite of the Shissar Poison VI. Dropped by Spectral Assassin of Chottal. The effect of this poison is stronger than that of a regular Bite of the Shissar XI flask.
Dark Seer's Gemstone, Augmentation with +25 Backstab. Dropped by Skeletal Assassin.
Fabled Mrylokar's Breastplate, Breastplate with +20 Backstab, click effect Eradicate Posion. Dropped by The Fabled Trakanon.
Rallius' Flask of the Shissar, Range with click effect Bite of the Shissar Poison VII. Dropped by The Fabled Rallius Rattican. The effect of this poison is stronger than that of a regular Bite of the Shissar XIII flask.
Flawless Golden Pearl of Mazikeen, Augmentation, Back Slot Type 15 for Ferocity VI and Mazikeen's Venom V - Reward from Mother of Pearls for colleting dull golden pearls.
Spear of Fate, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Artifact of the Sloth, Req 66, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Lingering Sloth. Sold by Cacuzza.
Legendary Fabled Cobalt Gauntlets, Gloves with click effect Spirit of Might. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
High Mystic's Greaves, Legs with Ikaav Gaze and click effect Talisman of Sense. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Shadow Knight
Trinket of Bertoxxulous, Trinket with Instant-click effect Drain Soul. Sold by Walter.
Trinket of Innoruuk, Trinket with Instant-click effect Touch of Innoruuk. Sold by Walter.
Trinket of Inruku, Trinket with Instant-click effect Touch of Inruku. Sold by Walter.
Innoruuk's Curse, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Innoruuk's Bane, Epic 30/32 1HS. Sold by Cloe to players with good faction.
Fabled Ebon Mace, 29/24 1HB. Dropped by the Fabled Brogg.
Heavy Bludgeoner, 28/20 1HB with Siphon Life. Dropped by Grummus.
Fabled Sword of Pain, 29/25 1HS. Dropped by The Fabled Gregendek Icepaw.
Legendary Innoruuk's Bane, 35/32 upgraded Epic 1HS with an extra augmentation slot. Received through quest of Princess Viola.
Artifact of Terris, Trinket with click effect Lure Scent of Terris. Sold by Walter.
Mythstone of the First Knight, Charm Augmentation with 625 HPs, Sold by Cloe.
Bone Shield of Malady, Shield with Echo of Malady and Furious Bash VII. Dropped by Skeletal Fury.
Trinket of Anger, Trinket with Instant-click effect Anger. Sold by Walter.
Blade of Tactics, Blade of Valor, Jagged Blade of War. Epics. Sold by Cloe.
Legendary Fabled Cobalt Gauntlets, Gloves with click effect Spirit of Might. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Legendary Jaelen's Katana, 14/19 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Vulak.
Rallos' Blade of Carnage, 15/20 1HS with proc Enrageing Blow (+50% proc rate). Dropped by Avatar of War.
Ring of the Champion, Ring with click effect Form of Defense III. Dropped by Skeletal Monk.
Blade of Endless War, 48/33 1HS with proc Anger. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Bloodfury, 35/20 1HS with proc Enraging Blow. Dropped by The Sage of Death.
Staff of the Four, Epic. Sold by Cloe.
Vermilion Robe of Torrefaction, Robe with click effect Conflagration (5s casting time). Dropped by Velketor the Sorcerer.
Artifact of Fire, Req 66, Range/Secondary/Belt with click effect Spark of Fire. Sold by Cacuzza.
Fabled Vermilion Robe of Torrefaction, Robe with instant-click effect Conflagration. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Crown of Icebane, Helmet with click effect Icebane (1s casting time). Dropped by Skeletal Assassin.
In the world of heroes and villains, legendary weapons are the ultimate game-changers. These powerful artifacts can turn the tide of any battle and give their wielder an unbeatable edge. As a savvy hero, it's crucial to keep your eyes peeled for these rare treasures and do everything in your power to acquire one. With a legendary weapon in your arsenal, you'll be unstoppable!Â
Epic / Legendary Weapons
In the realm of warriors and battles, legendary and epic weapons are the stuff of legends. These extraordinary weapons possess an extra augmentation slot of type 6, which imbues them with unparalleled power and makes them far superior to ordinary weapons. With a legendary or epic weapon in your grasp, you'll be a force to be reckoned with!Â
Tier 1
Epic 1.0 are listed under Class Specific.
Tier 3
Legendary Staff of Forbidden Rites (BER/BST/DRU/SHM/PAL/CLR) 40/38 2HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Lady Vox' Sister.
Tier 4
Epic 1.1 for Paladin and Shadowknight are listed under Class Specific.
Legendary Abashi's Rod of Disempowerment (MNK/BST/BER/NEC) 40/30 2HB with click effect Abolish Enchantment. Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Legendary Gharn's Rock of Smashing (BST/MNK), 16/19 H2H. Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Legendary Jaelen's Katana (WAR) 14/19 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Vulak.
Legendary Mrylokar's Dagger of Venegance, (ROG) 15/19 Piercing. Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Legendary Palladius Axe of Slaughter (WAR/SHD/PAL/BER), 51/42 2HS. Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Legendary Silken Whip of Choking (WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG/DRU/BRD/ROG), 16/23 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Latazura (Solo Instance).
Legendary Siren Song, Dagger of the Sea (BRD), 15/22 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Vulak.
Legendary Tolan's Longsword of the Glade (RNG), 15/21 1HS. Sold by Victor or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chests from Vulak.
Tier 5
Legendary Bow of Doom (WAR/RNG/BRD/PAL/SHD), 33/35 Bow. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Doomshade (Solo Instance).
Legendary Bloodied Berserker's Blade (BER/PAL/RNG/SHD/WAR) 52/40 2HS. Dropped during GM/Christmas events.
Legendary Bonecurse (NEC/SHD) 19/20 Piercing, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Grieg (Solo Instance).
Legendary Bone Spike Crusher (BRD/BST/MNK/DRU/ROG/RNG/WAR) 12/18 1HB, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Grummus.
Legendary Etched Bone Ulak (MNK/BST) 15/20 H2H, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Grieg (Solo Instance).
Legendary Frozen Whip of Speed (ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR) 13/21 1HS. Sold by Aarum.
Legendary Ichorflow (ROG/BRD/RNG/PAL/WAR) 14/20 1HS, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Grieg (Solo Instance).
Legendary Runed Lance of Gryme (BER/PAL/SHD/WAR) 37/32 2HP, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Grummus.
Legendary Tolan's Longbow (RNG), 34/32 Bow. Sold by Victor.
Tier 6
Legendary Aged Claw of Phara Dar (WAR/RNG/ROG/BRD), 21/22 1HS, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Phara Dar.
Legendary Aged Frozen Zweihander (WAR/PAL/RNG/SHD/BER), 34/28 2HS, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Xygoz.
Legendary Aged Katana of Flowing Water (WAR/PAL/RNG/SHD/BRD/ROG), 15/25 1HS, Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Phara Dar.
Legendary Aged Razorfang of Xygoz (WAR/RNG/SHD/ROG), 18/20 1HS, Sold by Marcus or dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Xygoz.
Legendary Aged Runestone Maul (WAR/RNG/MNK/BST/BER), 48/35 2HB, Sold by Marcus.
Legendary Aged Star of the Guardian (WAR/PAL/RNG/SHD/MNK/BRD/ROG/BST), 22/23 1HB, Sold by Marcus.
Legendary Aged Sword of Rile (WAR/RNG/SHD/PAL/BER), 50/33 2HS, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Phara Dar.
Legendary Ashen Blade of the Slayer (WAR/RNG/BER/PAL/SHD), 35/20 2HS. Dropped by Treasure Chest of Tirranun (Solo Instance).
Legendary Blade of Carnage (WAR/RNG/BRD/PAL/SHD), 15/20 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Avatar of War.
Legendary Blade of the Tempest (DRU), 26/30 1HS with click effect Tempest Wrath. Sold by Victor.
Legendary Grelian Cleaver (WAR/RNG/BRD/ROG) 17/20 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Grel (Solo Instance).
Tier 7
Legendary Cudgel of Wrecking (BST/ROG/BRD/MNK/RNG/WAR), 19/21 1HB. Sold by Marcus.
Legendary Dagger of Distraction (BST/ROG/BRD/RNG/WAR), 18/20 Piercing. Sold by Marcus.
Legendary Exquisite Puresteel Wraps (MNK/BST), 20/19 H2H, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Xegony.
Legendary Fabled Axe of Destruction (WAR/RNG/SHD/PAL/BER), 58/42 2HS, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Legendary Fabled Lupine Dagger (RNG), 15/18 Piercing. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Legendary Fabled Jade Mace (BST/SHM/ROG/BRD/MNK/DRU/SHD/RNG/PAL/CLR/WAR), 15/18 1HB, Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain.
Legendary Scissor Bladed Dagger (WAR/ROG/RNG/BRD) 17/20 Piercing. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Votal.
Legendary Fabled Orb of Tishan (BRD/ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ) 17/19 1HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Nagafen.
Legendary Votal's Ornate Blade (WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG/BER), 52/36 2HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Votal.
All Weapons from Plane of Time, upgraded through this quest.
Tier 8
Legendary Avalara's Stunning Dagger (BRD/RNG/ROG/WAR), 26/19 Piercing. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Avalara.Â
Legendary Clawhammer (BER/BST/MNK/RNG/PAL/SHD/WAR), 70/32 2HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Rikkukin.
Legendary Frozen Blade of the Defender (PAL/SHD), 56/28 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Legendary Frozen Staff of the Mystic (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/CLR/DRU/SHM), 46/24, 1HB with click effect Arcane Rune. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Legendary Frozen Orb of Forgotten Magic (BST/ROG/BRD/MNK/RNG), 30/22 1HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Nik the Frozen Heroslayer.
Legendary Hallowed Bloodclaw of Shadows (BST/MNK), 34/22 H2H. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Shyra.
Tier 9
Legendary Baat's Fist (BST/MNK), 30/19 H2H. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Groobsmashs.
Legendary Edge of no Return (DRU/ROG/BRD/RNG/PAL/SHD/WAR) 28/19 1HS, 8 Fire damage. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Vipera.
Legendary Chitin Bladed Axe (ROG/BRD/RNG/WAR) 36/22 1HS. Sold by Malcom.
Legendary Dragonkiller (WAR/RNG/BRD/ROG), 34/21 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Vishimtar.
Legendary Fabled Shortblade of Lightning (ROG/BRD/RNG/WAR) 27/19 1HS. Sold by Askr.
Legendary Fabled Staff of Flowing Water (BST/MNK) 85/34 2HB. Sold by Askr.
Legendary Fabled Wind-worn Handblade (ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR) 25/18 1HS. Sold by Askr.
Legendary Groobsmash (WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG/BER/MNK/BST), 80/32 2HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Groobsmashs.
Legendary Rod of Shaded Wrath (WAR/SHD/PAL/RNG/BER/BST/MNK), 91/35 2HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Vishimtar.
Tier 10
Epic 2.0 are done through the regular Epic Quests. Epic 1.5 and 2.0 have augmentations slots of type 5, 6, 8 and 20.
Legendary Battleaxe of Rage (BER/RNG/PAL/SHD/WAR) 2HS, 87/33. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Sullon Zek.
Legendary Fabled Bone Spiked Crusher (BST/MNK/WAR/RNG/ROG/BRD), 42/24 1HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of The Fabled Skal's Waking Nightmare.
Legendary Fabled Greater Poleaxe of Sorrow (BER/PAL/RNG/SHD/WAR) 73/24 2HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Saryrn.
Legendary Fabled Ornate Firebone Dirk (RNG/ROG/BRD), 33/23 Piercing. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of The Fabled Skal's Waking Nightmare.
Legendary Fabled Oozing Quarterstaff (SHD/PAL), 64/29 1HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of The Fabled Skal's Waking Nightmare.
Legendary Fabled Runed Lance of Gryme (BER/SHD/PAL/WAR), 90/32 2HP. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of The Fabled Skal's Waking Nightmare.
Legendary Fabled Spear of Fire (PAL) 98/35 2HS. Sold by Taylor.
Legendary Fabled Withering Staff of Agony (CLR/PAL), 45/18 1HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Saryrn.
Legendary Forbidden Chord (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/DRU/CLR/SHM), Book with Focus Effect Skylance's Scale. Sold by Veronae.
Legendary Spiked Cudgel of Rage (BST/ROG/BRD/MNK/RNG/WAR) 38/24 1HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Sullon Zek.
Legendary Fabled Whip of the Earthcrafter (DRU/RNG) 39/20 1HS. Sold by Taylor.
Legendary Sanguine Serpent (ROG/RNG/SHD) 66/33 bow. Sold by Fenrir.
Tier 11
Crownbearer's Wrathstaff, 115/33 2HB with Fire Damage 70. Dropped by Solstice the Firemane.
Icehoof's Scythe (BER/WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG), 109/36 2HS. Dropped by Icehoof.
Legendary Fabled Battle Fists (BST/MNK), 48/20 H2H. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Tallon.
Legendary Fabled Basalt Greatsword of the Protector (BER/WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG), 106/35 2HS. Sold by Mephisto.
Legendary Fabled Edge of Champions (BER/PAL/SHD) 110/32 2HS. Dropped by Ralthazor Fabled Champion of Marr.
Legendary Fabled Furious Hammer of Zek (CLR), 56/20 1HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Vallon.
Legendary Fabled Obsidian Greatblade (WAR), 115/35 2HS. Sold by Mephisto.
Legendary Fabled Obsidian Scimitar of War (ROG/BRD/RNG/WAR), 51/22 1HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Vallon.
Legendary Fabled Resplendent War Maul (PAL), 129/37 2HB. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Vallon.
Legendary Fabled Fiery Staff of Zha (BST/MNK), 102/34 2HB, 7 Magic damage. Sold by Taylor.
Ultrafabled Rod of Lamentation (BST/MNK/BER/PAL/RNG/SHD/WAR), 123/36 2HB. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Emperor Chotal.
Tier 12
Legendary Fabled Blade of Tempest (DRU), 42/24 1HS with click-effect Fabled Tempest Wrath. Dropped by The Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Solusek Ro.
Legendary Fabled Blade of War (BER/PAL/RNG/SHD/WAR), 124/34 2HS. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Rallos.
Legendary Fabled Grandmasters Mace (BST/MNK), 57/22 1HB. Dropped by The Fabled Rydda'Dar.
Legendary Fabled Gold Runed Mithril Knife (WAR/RNG/ROG/BRD), 42/19 Piercing. Dropped by The Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Solusek Ro.
Legendary Timeless Ancient Prismatic Battleaxe (BER/PAL/RNG/SHD/WAR), 154/38 2HS. Dropped by Timeless Sontalak.
Legendary Timeless Ancient Prismatic Mace 56/20 1HB. Dropped by Timeless Sontalak.
Legendary Timeless Ancient Prismatic Katana (WAR/BRD/PAL/SHD/ROG/RNG), 56/20 1HS. Dropped by Timeless Sontalak.
Legendary Timeless Fungi Covered Great Staff (BST, BER, MNK, DRU, SHM) 142/35 2HB with click-effect Blessing of Oak. Dropped by Timeless Myconid Spore Empress.
Legendary Timeless Stronghorn's Horn (BST/SHM/ROG/BRD/MNK/DRU/SHD/RNG/PAL/CLR/WAR) 79/30 1HS. Dropped by Timeless Stronghorn.
Ultrafabled Ancient Prismatic Brawl Stick 178/44 2HB. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Sontalak.
Ultrafabled Ancient Prismatic Fist Wraps (BST/MNK) 58/20 1HB. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Sontalak.
Ultrafabled Ancient Prismatic Warsword (WAR/BRD/PAL/SHD/ROG/RNG) 56/20 1HS. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Sontalak.
Ultrafabled Axe of Destruction (BER/WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG) 155/42 2HS. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Drolvarg Captain.
Ultrafabled Orb of Tashan (ENC/MAG/NEC/WIZ/BRD) 50/19 1HB with click-effect Howl of Tashan. Dropped by the Ultrafabled Melalafen.
Ultrafabled Spectral Koshigatana (WAR/RNG/ROG/BRD), 45/19 Piercing. Dropped by The Ultrafabled Spectral Assassin.
Tier 13
Legendary Fabled Ifir, Dagger of Fire (WAR/RNG/ROG/BRD), 46/19 Piercing. Dropped by Legendary Treasure Chest of Fabled Fennin. Sold by Sophie Firenyt.
Other Weapons
Not all ordinary weapons are created equal. The most formidable among them boast an extra augmentation slot of type 5, which sets them apart from their lesser counterparts. With the right augmentation, these weapons can be transformed into devastating melee weapons that strike fear into the hearts of your enemies.
Ancient Battle Fists Attunable (BST/MNK), 19/20 H2H. Dropped by Tallon Zek in Plane of Tactics.
Ancient Fungi Covered Great Staff (MNK/DRU/BST/SHM/BER), 63/35 2HB with click effect Blessing of Replenishment. Dropped by Ancient Myconid Spore Empress.
Ancient Hammer of Battle (BST/ROG/BRD/MNK/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR), 29/25 1HB. Dropped by Ancient Statue of War and The Fabled Statue of Rallos Zek.
Ancient Reaver (BER/SHD/PAL/WAR), 70/40 2HS. Dropped by Ancient Statue of War and The Fabled Statue of Rallos Zek.
Ancient Reaver (BRD/RNG/SHD/PAL/WAR), 21/18 1HS. Dropped by Ancient Statue of War.
Ancient Steelslave Stone Blade (ROG/BRD/RNG/WAR), 29/20 1HS. Dropped by Golbi the Goblin Patriarch.
Baat's Fist (BST/MNK), 30/19 H2H. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Bloodstealer (BST/BRD/ROG/RNG/WAR), 26/19 Piercer. Dropped by Warmistress Skoora.
Fabled Axe of the Kromzek Kings (BER/WAR), 67/36 2HS. Dropped by The Fabled King Tormax.
Fabled Blade of Carnage (WAR/PAL/BRD/SDK/RNG), 30/20 1HS. Dropped by The Fabled Avatar or War.
Fabled Blazing Swarmcaller Attunable (ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR), 20/21 1HS. Dropped by The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcrier and The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcaller.
Fabled Bonecast Rod (BST/MNK), 49/18 1HB. Dropped by The Fabled Pixtt Suir Mindrider.
Fabled Bow of Doom (WAR/RNG/ROG/PAL/SHD), 45/35 Bow. Dropped by the Fabled Doomshade.
Fabled Crushing Swarmcaller (BER/BST/ENC/MAG/WIZ/NEC/SHM/MNK/DRU/SHD/RNG/PAL/CLR/WAR), 47/31 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcrier.
Fabled Dark Swarmcaller (NEC/SHD), 43/25 1HB. Dropped by The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcaller.
Fabled Doljonijiarnimorinar (BER/RNG/PAL/SHD/WAR), 78/44 2HS. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar.
Fabled Fayguard Bladecatcher (ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR), 14/21 1HS. Dropped by The Fabled Froglok Chef.
Fabled Fatecaller (WAR/SHD/PAL/BER), 61/45 2HS. Dropped by The Fabled Gregendek Icepaw.
Fabled Faithful Swarmcaller (PAL/CLR), 40/23 1HB. Dropped by The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcaller.
Fabled Feral Swarmcaller (BST/DRU/RNG/SHM), 30/22 1HB. Dropped by The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcaller.
Fabled Gold Plated Koshigatana (BRD/ENC/MAG/NEC/ROG/RNG/WAR/WIZ), 18/19 Piercer. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Nagafen.
Fabled Lamentation (SHD/RNG/WAR), 15/19 1HS. Dropped by The Fabled Sebilite Guardian.
Fabled Nathsar Greatsword (BER/PAL/RNG/SHD/WAR), 45/30 2HS. Dropped by The Fabled Emperor Chottal.
Fabled Oggok Cleaver (BER/SHD/WAR), 78/48 2HS. Dropped by The Fabled Knight of Sathir.
Fabled Poison Wind Censer (BER/SHM/SHD/PAL/CLR/WAR), 45/28 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Sebilite Protector.
Fabled Razing Sword of Skarlon II (BER/SHD/PAL/WAR), 59/38 2HS. Dropped by The Fabled Warlord Skarlon II.
Fabled Rod of Lamentation (BER/MNK/PAL/RNG/SHD/WAR), 52/36 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Emperor Chottal.
Fabled Runed Blade (BER/RNG/PAL/WAR), 64/40 2HS. Dropped by The Fabled Knight of Sathir.
Fabled Sharpened Mandible Spear (BST/SHM/ROG/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR), 17/24 Piercer. Dropped by The Fabled Warlord Tk`kik`tthik.
Fabled Silver Sword of Yalrek (DRU/PAL/WAR/RNG/BRD/ROG), 29/24 1HS. Dropped by Velketor the Fabled Sorcerer.
Fabled Staff of Battle (BER/BST/MNK/WAR), 60/37 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Sebilite Protector
Fabled Staff of Ice (MNK), 71/35 2HB. Dropped by The Fabled Lord Doljonijiarnimorinar.
Fabled Silken Whip of Choking (BRD/DRU/PAL/SHD/RNG/ROG/WAR), 21/23 1HS. Dropped by The Fabled Mistress Latazura.
Fabled Warblade of the Fallen (ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR), 22/19 1HS. Dropped by The Fabled Fallen Sergeant.
Greatstaff of the Hunter (BER/BST/SHM/MNK/DRU/RNG), 59/33 2HB with proc Earthcall. Dropped by Primal Hynid Warbeast.
Groobsmash (WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG/BER/MNK/BST), 74/35 2HB. Dropped by Baat Groobsmash.
Hammer of Frozen Enchantments (PAL/SHD/DRU/CLR/SHM), 46/24 1HB. Dropped by Enchanted Ice Golem.
Hynid Claws (WAR/ROG/BRD/RNG), 22/19 1HS. Dropped by Primal Hynid Warbeast.
Katana of the Dark Storm (ROG/BRD/SHD/RNG/PAL/WAR), 30/18 1HS. Dropped by Bloodstice.
Marie's Prismatic Axe (BER/WAR), 69/32 2HS. Dropped by Savage Fury Marie Gronsmar.
Spectral Koshigatana (NEC/ROG/BRD/RNG/WAR), 19/19 Piercer. Dropped by Spectral Assassin.
Spiked Cudgel of Mortal Rage (BST/ROG/BRD/MNK/RNG/WAR), 36/24 1HB. Dropped by Sullon Mclarren.
Spikehammer (BST/MNK/WAR/PAL/SHD/RNG), 74/34 2HB. Dropped by Savage Fury Lars Hanagar.
Staff of Dark Blows (BST/MNK), 82/32 2HB. Dropped by Huur'Ay.
Stunning Hammer of the Beast (PAL/SHD), 45/26 1HB. Dropped by Primal Hynid Warbeast.
Ukun Master Mace (BST/BRD/MNK), 28/21 1HB. Dropped by Primal Ukun Warhound.