What are the most important aspects in the concept of this server?

When designing this server, multiple factors were taken into account, some of which were contradictory. The server aims to provide players with a high degree of autonomy, allowing them to choose their party composition and targets freely. The focus is not on reaching the maximum level as quickly as possible. The game and its encounters should be enjoyable and replayable, without becoming too easy over time. Players should be able to make progress independently, but also be encouraged to collaborate and progress together. Additionally, "alt" characters should serve a meaningful purpose. 

How long will it take me to level up?

Experience gain is boosted noticeably. You will be able to level from 1 to 50 in a day or less. You gain particularly good experience from defeating red and yellow con monsters.
Experience in a raid is boosted as well. It is almost as good as experience in a group of the same size.

How do I raise my level cap?

Your initial level cap is 52. To raise that to 55, you need to complete Tier 1, either in group or solo instances. Group: defeat Lady Vox in Permafrost, the Ghoul Lord in Guk and Lord Nagafen in his lair in an instanced zone and hail the progression Spirit that spawn upon their defeat. When soloing, defeat GrimClaw and his brothers in North Karana, Alizewusaur on the Oceans of Tear and Icebane in Everfrost.

Can I solo?

EQ Might offers two progression paths. One of them is designed for players playing a single or two characters. There are various features that increase the versatility of solo players, such as the Aura of Might (a substantial buff), selecting a Path (that grants you new abilities, such as healing or lifetapping) and the quest to become a Warden of Might, which basically doubles a characters strength and Might.

How far will I get in the Group-Progression playing a single group?

Single players have conquered Tier 9 and unlocked Tier 10 by playing a team of six, without any outside help.

Groupcontent up to and including Scars of Velious is tuned for 6. Beyond that, it's tuned for 6-9. However, with the Aura of Might, smaller groups and even solo players can tackle group / raid content.

If you want to play a team of six and be as strong and independent as possible. The following group setup should work to get you through almost everything except what's mentioned above:

Extensive player written Guide by Wutz for 6-boxers on EQ Might.

Can a Knight tank or is a Warrior required?

All three tank classes work for all tiers.

Legendary Innoruuk's Bane

Shadowknight Epic 1.1 (Tier 5)

Mythstone of the First Baroness

Paladin / Shadowknight Charm Augmentation (Tier 9+)

Legendary Armband of the First Knight

Paladin / Shadowknight Legendary random rare-drop (Tier 9+)

What can I do with the server currency?

There are various server currencies.

For some of the items to become available, you need to increase your faction with Walter and Cloe first.

How do I earn Tokens of Might?

Tokens of Might can drop from most named. Low level named have a chance of 1-3% of dropping Token of Might. Higher level named, and particularly fabled, have a much higher chance of dropping. The highest chance comes from chests. Small treasure chests drop 1 to 5 Tokens of Might. Larger treasure chests can drop more.

Tokens of Epic Might are gained in the same way, they are just rarer and drop mainly from high level fabled, progression bosses and chests.

Here is an example if you do an Innoruuk instance:





There are intermediate modes, like Easy+ or Normal-, which are not documented above.

Chests also contain additional items, particularly the Hard Mode Chest always contains an Invaluable Coin for faction with Merchants of Might.

What's the fastest way to get Tokens of Epic Might for my Epic 1.0?

Realistically, you can expect to get your first Epic 1.0 once you can defeat progression targets, such as Lady Vox or Lord Nagafen.

What's the idea behind Might?

The concept of Might puts a party's power within a bandwidth. That is the main driver to un-trivialize content. You will not be able to engage Lady Vox or Lord Nagafen with a level 65 character. Every (instanced) encounter should therefore always be non-trivial. As consequence, for now, there are no lockouts. You can do your favourite encounter back-to-back if you wish to do so.

Might on the otherhand, can be a hindrance at times. E.g., when you want to do a certain target and your party's might doesn't fit in the given bandwidth. That may be particularly true if you team up with someone and you combined Might is too high to get the chest reward. However, you can always do the instances without the chest rewards.

Might may also appear confusing at first, specially if you don't like numbers. The server greeter can tell you your party's might. The Might-Table gives some examples for standard party sizes.

How do I get a progression instance?

Most instances can be requested in the Plane of Knowledge. You hail the quest NPC, select the instance, then hail again to get the option to enter the instance with your party, or remove yourself from the instance.

What are requirements to request an Instance?

The player requesting the instance must have unlocked this instance. This is usually done by completing the previous tier.

If requesting a solo/duo instance with two players, the same is true for the second player.

If requesting a group instance, at least half the playeres must have unlocked the instance, the rest can be piggy-backed, provided the difficulty mode is not Easy or Trivial.

Which items are tradable, not tradable and attunable?

The no-drop and attunable properties of items are for the most part unaltered from their original state. No-drop items can be traded between your own characters (same IP address) through Pam.

What's the server's stats and location?

The server's hardware is a dedicated i7 laptop with 4 cores. running Windows 10. In case of power outage, the battery lasts for 8-9 hours. It's got a 1000/100 MB/s cable Internet connection, also with battery backup for several hours. The server is located near Zurich, Switzerland. You can expect the following minimum pings (ms):

Europe: Brussels 21, London 20, Madrid 31, Milan 5, Munich 12, Paris 21, Stockholm 29, Vienna 19 

Americas: Atlanta 107, Boston 105, Buenos Aires 258, Chicago 109, Columbus 131, Los Angeles 166, Montreal 99, New York 90, Toronto 111, Vancouver 148

Rest of the world: Cairo 49, Dubai 141, Hong Kong 255, New Delhi 160, Shanghai 265, Sydney 263, Tokyo 216, Tunis 33

Wifi and particularly mobile internet providers add an additional delay. A ping of over 60 ms is noticable. With a ping over 150 ms, the Internet "feels slow". However, the ping in EverQuest is not as critical as in other games such as racing or shooter games.

Availability (July 4, 2022 to August 12, 2023)

Uptime 580320 minutes (99.96%)

Scheduled maintenance: 260 minutes (0.04%)

Unexpected downtime: 0 minutes (0.00%)

What DPS numbers can I expect?

All DPS classes should perform similarly. However, there are differences at different levels. Generall dps classes should reach around the following numbers with gear adequate for their levels:

60: 400+ dps (in Tier 5, Vex Thal gear)

65: 800+ dps (in Tier 7, Plane of Time gear)

66: 1400+ dps

67: 2000+ dps

68: 3000+ dps

69: 4000+ dps (in Tier 12 gear)

Wardens usually do about 200% of their regular dps.

Keep in mind that rogues can assassinate and ranger can headshot up to level 70, which can be efficiant in certain situations.

How about caster groups?

Casters benefit from various settings:

Can I skip Gates of Discord?

Yes, but.

Gates of Discord (GoD) is part of Tier 8 group progression, which unlocks Tier 9, level 67 and an upgrade of the Charm of Might. Defeating ZMTZ and Tunat are required to complete it. A lot of the GoD progression can be skipped, see Gates of Discord progression.

The alternate path to the group progression, and not set a foot on GoD, is the solo/duo progression. If you complete the Tier 8 solo/duo progression, it unlocks the same benefits as the group progression. The Spider Den offers challenges and reward that are equal to Txevu, Tacvi and beyond, which you will need if you intend to do the Tier 9 group progression and unlock level 68.

Unlocking level 69, which is not live yet, requires the final reward from the quest Breakdown in Communication. This item can be quested normally, or the quest can be started more than half way in, or the final reward can be purchased for Reliquaries of Tacvi. All paths require access to Tacvi, the final zone of Gates of Discord.