Custom Instance Guide
Queen Ahex`Ka
Tier 0
This is an instance intended for parties around level 25-30 or solo players level 35+. Players level 45 or above cannot enter this instance.
The instance can be requested at the zone line of Permafrost from Marta Icebear for 10 platinum and expires after 1 hour.
Defeating the Ice Giant Diplomat upsets the Queen Ahex`Ka and she appears in the throne room. Note: if the Diplomant is killed by a player above level 45, the Queen will not appear.
The Fabled Honor Guard appears at the same time to support his queen.
Defeating Queen Ahex`Ka spawns a Small Malachite Treasure chest.
Tranixx Darkpaw
Tier 0
This is an instance intended for parties around level 25-35 or solo players level 38+. Players level 45 or above cannot enter this instance.
The instance can be requested from Balin the Stubborn in Plane of Knowledge for 10 platinum and expires after 2 hours.
Defeat Tranixx Darkpaw and Lord Elgnub.
Doing so spawns a Small Malachite Treasure chest.
Solo Instance
Tier 1
This is an instance intended for solo players level 45-52.
The instance can be requested from Uriel for 100 platinum and expires after 1 hour.
Make your way to the Castle of Permafrost - but do not enter the zone of Permafrost!
Defeat six Ice Giants (they respawn fairly quickly).
Defeat Icebane and hail his spirit for the progression flag.
Note: The ice giants will respawn, even after Icebane is defeated. They are a good source of earning platinum.
North Karana
Solo Instance
Tier 1
This is an instance intended for solo players level 45-52.
The instance can be requested from Uriel for 100 platinum and expires after 1 hour.
Find and defeat GrimFeather. He is straight from where you start and on the left side of the path. He will eventually starting moving about if you idle too long. Defeating him will spawn his brother GrimBeak, either nearby or somewhere in the zone.
Find an defeat GrimBeak to spawn GrimEye. Defeat GrimEye to spawn GrimClaw.
Defeating GrimClaw spawns the NPC for progression flag. If you are in normal mode, he also spawns a small treasure chest.
Oasis of Marr
Solo Instance
Tier 2
This is an instance intended for solo players level 52-55.
The instance can be requested from Uriel for 100 platinum and expires after 2 hours.
Cazel appears, after defeating 5 scouts of Cazel.
Sand Giants are place holder for scouts. They have a respawn time of only 6 minutes.
Defeating Cazel spawns the NPC for progression flag and unique treasure chests, which has one of three different rewards.
Note: The Fabled Phezel may appear in this instance. He is slightly stronger than Cazel and optional.
Plane of Hate
Tier 2
This is an instance intended for parties level 52-55.
The instance can be requested from Amenadiel for 100 platinum and expires after 2 hours.
The instance has the same mechanics as the open world.
The Fabled Master of Spire may be up. He is optional and drops fabled breastplates, which are pretty strong at this level.
Defeat all of Innoruuk's Choosen on the second floor to spawn Innoruuk himself.
Before engaging Innoruuk, it is advisable to utilize levitate as he casts a knockback.
Defeating Innoruuk spawns the NPC for progression flag and treasure chests at his spawn location.
Phinigel Autropos
Kedge Keep
Solo Instance
Tier 2
This is an instance intended for solo players level 55.
The instance can be requested from Uriel for 100 platinum and expires after 2 hours.
This instance starts underwater. Make sure you have underwater breathing before entering. It is also recommended to have some sort of invisibility, in order to bypass some of the NPCs.
Move to Estrella of Gloomwater's room and defeat her. This will spawn Phingel Autropos.
Move to Phinigel and defeat him.
In Phinigel's room, there are multiple seahorses. The more of them that are up, the more likely he asks them for help during the battle. If you want to avoid that, you can defeat them before engaging Phinigel.
Defeating Phinigel spawns the NPC for progression flag.
Esterella and Phinigel each drop 1 of 2 unique items.
How to get to Estrella from zone in: Vanish. Dive down half-way. Go through the gate on the east. Dive down half-way again, go north and then instantly east.
How to get to Phinigel from zone in: Vanish. Dive down half-way. Go through the gate to the south. Dive down again, go south at the next crossing. At the next crossing, take the bottom gate towards east with yellow tiles. In the room after the sharks, which has see-invis creatures, go through the hidden door (cube) in the north-east corner.
Ixiblat Fer
Burning Woods
Duo Instance
Tier 3
This is an instance intended for solo players level 59 or two players of level 55.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 100 platinum and expires after 2 hours.
All participants must have completed solo Tier 2 in order to be able to request this instance.
Ixiblat Fer is inside a building a bit north of the the south-west corner of the map. There are quite a couple of roamers around.
Ixiblat Far is rather resistant and thus reasonably hard to snare or root. He hits quite hard.
Defeating Ixiblat Fer spawns the NPC for progression flag.
Defeating him in Normal mode or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Lady Vox' Sister
Tier 3
This is an instance intended for parties around level 55-59.
The instance can be requested at the zone line of Permafrost from Marta Icebear for 300 platinum and expires after 2 hours.
This instance is similar to regular Lady Vox, but more difficult.
On the way to Lady Vox' Sister, The Fabled Queen Ahex`Ka and her guards stand in your way.
The ice giants in this instance are higher level than in regular Permafrost.
Lady Vox' Sister is rooted.
She will call for assist during the battle.
Defeating Lady Vox' Sister spawns Spirit of Lady Vox, which gives the same progression flag as regular Lady Vox.
Defeating Lady Vox' Sister spawns Small Treasure Chests depending on your party's Might.
Defeating her in Normal mode or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Narandi the Wretched
Greate Divide
Duo Instance
Tier 4
This is an instance intended for solo players level 60 or two players of level 55.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 100 platinum and expires after 2 hours.
All participants must have completed solo Tier 3 in order to be able to request this instance.
Help the coldains in the war against the Kromrif invaders.
There are several battles between coldains and giants going on. Help the coldains to have the upper hand.
Eventually, engage and defeat Narandi the Wretched. He will call for aid and any guard still alive will follow his orders.
Nearby surviving coldain will assist you against Narandi. The coldains despawn once Narandi is at 5% health.
Defeating him in Normal mode or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Grieg Veneficius
Grieg's End
Duo Instance
Tier 5
This is an instance intended for solo players level 61 or two players level 58.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 100 platinum and expires after 2 hours. NPCs do not respawn.
Defeat any of the named in the zone do retrieve a key to Grieg's room.
Defeat all guards to make Grieg Veneficius attackable.
Defeat Grieg Veneficius to win the instance.
Defeating Grieg Veneficius in Normal mode or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Tirranun's Delve
Duo Instance
Tier 6
This is an instance intended for solo players level 62 or two players level 59.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 100 platinum and expires after 3 hours. NPCs do not respawn.
Defeat the Goblin Hall Guardian to spawn Emoush the Destroyer.
Defeat Emoush to spawn Tirranun.
Defeat Tirranun to win the instance.
Defeating Tirranun in Normal mode or higher spawns a treasure chest with a second piece of loot from his regular loot table.
Plane of Air
Tier 7
This is an instance intended for groups level 65.
The instance can be requested from Stacy in Plaine of Air for 600 platinum and expires after 100 hours. NPCs do not respawn.
You need a key to Xegony's Isle. Each avatar drops 2 essences. Alternatively, you can buy the essences from Adrianne in Plane of Knowledge.
Clear the way to the rainbow and the person with the Wind Etched Key clicks up, then everyone else.
Clear the guards in front of Xegony. Once you have cleared the three High Councilmen, Stacy will offer you direct teleportation back to the isle.
Defeat Xegony and her treasure guard.
Defeating Xegony in Normal- or higher yields a legendary treasure chest. A second chest appears in Hard- or higher.
The Fabled Lady Vox
Duo Instance
Tier 7
This is an instance intended for solo players level 66-67 or two players level 65.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 300 platinum and expires after 3 hours. NPCs do not respawn.
Battle The Fabled Frost Witch until she yields. She will then offer you a summon monster III pet after you bested her.
Defeat the Fabled Chilling Terror to spawn The Fabled Lady Vox.
The Fabled Lady Vox is rooted and will call for assist during the battle.
Defeating The Fabled Lady Vox spawns Mighty Treasure Chests depending on your party's Might.
If your mode is Normal or above, a progression NPC spawns.
Crypt of Decay
Duo Instance
Tier 7
This is an instance intended for solo players level 66-67 or two players level 65.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 300 platinum and expires after 3 hours. NPCs do not respawn.
You must be flagged to enter Crypt of Decay by prevously hailing Grummus’ planar projection and entering Crypt of Decay afterwards.
The Ghost of Bertoxxulous are optional guardians. They will despawn when Bertoxxulous spawns. Thus you can also just ignore them.
Defeat seven kings to spawn Bertoxxulous.
Defeating Bertoxxulous spawns Mighty Treasure Chests depending on your mode. If your mode is Normal or above, you additionally receive a legendary treasure chest.
If your mode is Normal or above, a progression NPC spawns.
The Fabled Lord Nagafen
Nagafen's Lair
Tier 7
This challenge is intended for parties with a recommended level of 65. The difficulty of this instance is comparable to that of the Elemental Planes.
To enter this instance, seek out Linda at the zone line of Nagafen's Lair and pay the fee of 600 platinum. This instance will expire after three hours.
This instance features a number of high-level fabled including (sorted by difficulty):
The Fabled Neiroth
The Fabled Magus Rokyl II
The Fabled King Tranix II
The Fabled Warlord Skarlon II
The Fabled Lord Nagafen
The Fabled Efreeti Lord Djarn II
Many lesser foes within this instance are of a higher level than those found in regular Nagafen's Lair.
And should you prove victorious against the mighty Fabled Lord Nagafen, a Spirit of Nagafen will spawn, granting you the same progression flag as the regular Lord Nagafen.
Mystical Arbiter of Earth
Plane of Earth A
Tier 7
This is an instance intended for parties level 65.
The instance can be requested at the zone line of Plane of Earth A from Barry for 600 platinum and expires after 5 hours. NPCs do not respawn.
Once in the instance, look for Derugoak Bloodwalker. He is a short walk straight from zone line.
Defeat Derugoak Bloodwalker to spawn An Encrusted Dirt Cloud.
Defeat An Encrusted Dirt Cloud. This will despawn all existing guards and spawn Peregrin Rockskull instead. Careful, he spawns at the same location.
Defeat Peregrin Rockskull to spawn A Merciless Mudslinger.
Defeat A Merciless Mudslinger to spawn A Mystical Arbiter of Earth on the other side of the zone.
Defeat A Mystical Arbiter of Earth to spawn the Planar Projection for your Plane of Earth B flag.
Avatar of Earth
Plane of Earth B
Tier 7
This is an instances intended for parties level 65.
The instance can be requested from Mike in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 2 hours. He will only offer it to players who have the flag for hailing the Ghost of Earth near the councilmen in Plane of Earth B.
This instance is equivalent to the regular Plane of Earth B. However, your starting point is near the councilmen.
Kill the 12 councilmen to spawn The Avatar of Earth. Note that the councilmen respawn and have different respawn timers.
Kill the Avatar of Earth to spawn the Planar Projection for Planes of Power progression.
The Fabled Venril Sathir
Karnor's Castle
Tier 7
This is an instance intended for parties level 65. The difficulty is comparable to Elemental Planes and upwards.
The instance can be requested from Aurora in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 3 hours.
This instance features a number of high-level fabled including (sorted by difficulty):
The Fabled Decaying Prisoner
The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain
The Fabled Skeletal Fury
The Fabled Knight of Sathir
The Fabled Venril Sathir
All NPCs in this zone are of higher level than in regular Karnor's Castle
Defeating The Fabled Venril Sathir spawns Mighty Treasure Chests depending on your party's Might.
Defeating The Fabled Senior Drolvarg Captain, The Fabled Skeletal Fury and the Fabled Ventril Sathir in Normal mode or higher each spawn a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Rallos Zek
Plane of Tactics
Tier 7-9
This is an instance intended for parties level 65-67. The difficulty is comparable to Plane of Time and upwards.
The instance can be requested from Mike in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 3 hours. It requires a Quintessence of Elements to be requested.
This instance features Plane of Time's Tallon Zek, Vallon Zek and Rallos Zek and some named from Phase 3.
Defeat the guards in Tallon Zek's wing to spawn Tallon Zek.
Defeat the guards in Vallon Zek's wing to spawn Vallon Zek.
Defeat Tallon Zek and Vallon Zek to spawn Rallos Zek.
Defeat Rallos Zek to spawn Ancient Statue of War and Sullon Mclarren.
Defeating Rallos Zek spawns Mighty Treasure Chests depending on your party's Might.
Defeating Rallos Zek in Normal- mode or higher yields a treasure chest with a legendary shield or shoulder item. Hard- or higher yields two chests.
Defeating Ancient Statue of War in Normal or higher mode spawns a chest containing an Ancient Battle Plan. Handing an Ancient Battle Plan to Sir Daniel in Plane of Knowledge unlocks level 66 and grants 1 AA point.
Suggested party strength:
Tallon Zek / Vallon Zek: Level 65
Rallos Zek / Ancient Statue of War: Level 65-66
Sullon Mclarren (Tier 9-): Level 67.
Primal Ukun Warhound
Tier 8
This event is available in the open world and instanced. It is intended for players level 66.
Defeat the Primal Reptile, Primal Instect and Primal Arachnid to spawn Primal Hynid Warbeast.
Defeat Primal Hynid Warbeast to spawn Primal Ukun Warhound. He spawn more adds, the more players there are on his hate list.
If Primal Ukun Warhound is defeated in an instance, it spawns an NPC that grants a one-time AA reward. Ukun Warhound drops six "Sliver of the the High Temple", the same quest item, which also drops in the Ikkinz Raid 4.
Suggested party strength:
Primal Reptile, Primal Instect, Primal Arachnid : Level 65
Primal Hynid Warbeast: Level 65-66
Primal Ukun Warhound (Tier 8): Level 66 (This event scales in difficulty with number of engaged players.)
The Fabled Trakanon
Tier 8
This event is available in the open world and instanced. Due to the instance only being Tier 3, it will mainly occur in open world.
It is intended for players level 65-67.
Defeat the The Fabled Emperor Chottal (Tier 6), to spawn the Spectral Assassin of Chottal (Tier 7+).
Defeat the Spectral Assassin to spawn Ancient Myconid Spore Empress and the The Fabled Sebilite Protector.
Defeat The Fabled Sebilite Protector to spawn the The Fabled Trakanon.
Suggested party stength:
The Fabled Emperor Chottal: Level 62
Spectral Assassin of Chottal, The Fabled Sebilite Protector: Level 65-66
Ancient Myconid Spore Empress: Level 66
The Fabled Trakanon: Level 66-67
Riftseeker's Sanctum
Tier 8
This is an instance intended for parties level 66-67.
The instance can be requested from Howard in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 4 hours. It has no flag requirements, however, only characters level 65 and higher can enter Riftseeker's Sanctum.
This instance is a regular version of Riftseeker's Sanctum. Near zone-in, you find a quest NPC named Unfaithful royal advisor. He wants you to dispose of the King and Queen as well as their pets Feratha and Chailak.
Once you have defeated those four targets, find the Unfaithful royal advisor again. He will reward you with a Legendary Treasure Chests, which has one legendary item from each, the King and the Queen. The reward will always be granted, it does not depend on the mode (easy/normal/hard) of the instance.
Circle of Drakes
The Nest
Duo Instance
Tier 8
This is an instance intended for two players level 66.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 300 platinum and expires after 3 hours. NPCs do not respawn.
This instance features the following named NPC.
Random Named
Ancient Ainslin
Ancient Lavawalker
Ancient Magmeran
Ancient Temblor
Bosses / Events (sorted by difficulty)
Aquila the Sharp
Drake Magus
Defeat the initial version of the Drake Magus.
Defeat the new spawns of the Drake Magus until the final golden version spawns.
Defeat the final version of the Drake Magus to spawn an NPC for Tier 8 progression.
Ancient Warlord Petrad
The Spider Den
Available in Intense mode
Tier 8
This is an instance intended for parties level 66 and beyond. The difficulty is comparable to Tacvi.
The instance can be requested from Gus in Plane of Knowledge and Frosty in Surefall Glades for 600 platinum and expires after 5 hours. It requires Quarm's flag to be requested. NPCs do not respawn.
This instance is available in regular and intense mode. Depending on your party's Might, Frosty may let you chose from different difficulty modes.
This instance features the following named NPC:
Random Named
Knight of Permafrost (for one-handed Knight Epic 2.0 only)
Icestalker, Mighty White Widow
Skeletal Assassin, Skeletal Fury, Skeletal Monk, Skeletal Champion
Frenzied Ice Goblin (Tier 9-)
Bosses / Events  (sorted by difficulty)
Enchanted Ice Golem
Devouring Vortex
Voras the Spider Matriarch
Echo of Synarcana
Nik the Frozen Heroslayer - Recommendation: assign a good rampage tank
Ancient Seer Venos -Â Recommendation: bring multiple instant-clickies on the tank to counter dispells
Ancient Amalgam (Tier 9-)
Avalara Frostgrave (Tier 9-)
Ancient Warlord Petrad (Tier 9-)
Legend of the Spider Den (Tier 9)
Intense Mode Only
Myth of the Spider Den (Tier 10)
Black Ice Slime (Tier 11-)
Defeating Voras the Spider Matriarch spawns Mighty Treasure Chests depending on your party's Might.
Defeating Nik the Frozen Heroslayer in Normal mode or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Defeating Avalara Frostgrave in Normal- mode or higher spawns a Legednary Treasure Chest. Deafeating her in Hard- spawns a second chest.
Defeating Nik the Frozen Heroslayer and Voras the Spider Matriarch spawns Ancient Seer Venos.
Defeating Ancient Seer Venos spawns a NPC for Tier 8 progression.
Defeating Ancient Warlord Petrad spawns a NPC for Tier 9 progression.
Defeating Ancient Seer Venos and Ancient Warlord Petrad in mode Normal or higher spawns the Legend of the Spider Den Normal- is not high enough.
Defeating the Legend of the Spider Den in Intense mode spawns the Black Ice Slime.
Suggested party strength:
Level 66 for the majority of NPCs
Level 67 for Ancient Amalgam, Ancient Warlord Petrad, Avalara Frostgrave, Frenzied Ice Goblin, Legend of the Spider Den
Level 68 for Myth of the Spider Den
Level 69 for Black Ice Slime
The Fabled Rumblecrush
Umbral Plains
Available in Intense mode
Tier 9
This is an instance intended for parties level 66-67.
The instance can be requested from Lucifer in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 3 hours. It requires Quarm's flag to be requested.
This instance features the following named NPC (sorted by difficulty).
Random Named
The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcrier
The Fabled Netherbian Swarmcaller
The Fabled Skeletal Sergeant
The Fabled Fleshrot
Bosses / Events
The Fabled Zelnithak (Tier 9)
The Fabled Doomshade (Tier 9) - appears after the four Masters are defeated
The Fabled Rumblecrush (Tier 9+)
Defeating The Fabled Rumblecrush spawns Mighty Treasure Chests depending on your party's Might.
Defeating The Fabled Rumblecrush in Normal or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Suggested party strength:
The Fabled Skeletal Sergeant, The Fabled Fleshrot: Level 66
All other targets: Level 67
The Bloodied Quarries
Available in Intense mode
Tier 9
This is an instance intended for parties level 67. The difficulty is comparable to Anguish.
The instance can be requested from Gus in Plane of Knowledge and Pebbles in Surefall Glades for 600 platinum and expires after 5 hours. It requires Quarm's flag to be requested. NPCs do not respawn. Depending on your party's Might, Pebbles may let you chose from different difficulty modes.
This instance features the following named NPC (sorted by difficulty).
Random Named
Steelsleave Potion Dealer
Steelslave Crusher, Steelslave Smasher, Steelslave Brute
Steelsleave Marauder
Bosses / Events
Warmistress Skoora
Golbi the Goblin Patriarch
King of the Ring - appears after the four Guards of the Ring are defeated
Baat and Tulla Grobsmash
Summoran's Trial
Legend of Bloodied Quarries
Defeating Skoora and Golbi lowers the number of guards in other areas of the dungesons, particularly around the Grobsmashs.
Defeating Baat Grobsmash in Normal or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Defeating Summoran in..
.. any mode, spawns a NPC for progression.
.. Normal- or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest and despawns the Summoran's Uncontrollable Experiment.
.. Normal and above despawns high-tier guards and spawns Legend of Bloodied Quarries.
.. Hard- and above grants a good chance at a Mighty Legendary Treasure Chest.
Suggested party strength:
Level 67
The Fabled Avatar of War
Tier 6-10
Fabled NPCs in Kael can be spawned by defeating the Avatar of War.
Defeat the Avatar of War to spawn The Fabled Kallis Stormcaller, Fabled Klraggek the Slayer, The Fabled Derakor the Vindicator and The Fabled King Tormax
Defeat The Fabled Derakor the Vindicator to spawn The Fabled Statue of Rallos Zek
Defeat The Fabled Statue of Rallos Zek to spawn The Fabled Idol of Rallos Zek
Defeaet The Fabled Idol of Rallos Zek to spawn The Fabled Avatar of War
Defeat The Fabled King Tormax to spawn The Fabled Queen Tarmax
Suggested party strength:
Avatar of War (Tier 6), The Fabled Kallis Stormcaller (Tier 6), Fabled Klraggek the Slayer (Tier 6): Level 62
The Fabled Derakor the Vindicator (Tier 7), The Fabled Statue of Rallos Zek (Tier 7+): Level 65
The Fabled King Tormax (Tier 8+): Level 66
The Fabled Idol of Rallos Zek, The Fabled Avatar of War (Tier 9+): Level 67
The Fabled Queen Tarmax (Tier 10): Level 68
The Fabled Agnarr the Stormlord
The Fabled Bastion of Thunder
Raid Instance
Tier 10
This is an instance intended for parties level 67+.
The instance can be requested from Mike in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 6 hours. It requires Tier 9 flag to be requested.
This instance features the following named NPC (sorted by difficulty).
Random Named, such as:
The Fabled Valbrand, The Fabled Wybjorn, The Fabled Erech Eyford, The Fabled Bordir Bjomolf
Wing Bosses (Tier 9+)
The Fabled Hreidar Lynhillig
The Fabled Oreen Wavecrasher
The Fabled Laef Windfall
The Fabled Gaukr Sandstrom
Tower Bosses (Tier 10-)
The Fabled Eindride Icestorm
The Fabled Auliffe Chaoswind
The Fabled Kuanbyr Hailstorm
The Fabled Brynju Thunderclap
The Fabled Agnarr the Stormlord (Tier 10)
After defeating any of the wing bosses, an NPC offering teleportation to the corresponding tower appears.
Tower bosses drop a fabled sphere. Players in possession of the sphere can request direct teleports to the corresponding tower from the Fabled Ghost of Thunder, an NPC near the zone line.
Combining all four fabled spheres in a regular Unadorned Symbol of Torden creates a Fabled Symbol of Torden. This symbol grants access to the Tower of The Fabled Agnarr the Stormlord as well as to all other towers.
Defeating any of the Tower bosses spawns regular Treasure Chests.
Defeating Agnarr in Easy+ or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Suggested party strength:
Level 67+
The Fabled Skal's Waking Nightmare
The Fabled Plane of Disease
Raid Instance
Tier 10
This is an instance intended for parties level 67+.
The instance can be requested from Mike in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 6 hours. It requires Tier 9 flag to be requested.
This instance features the following named NPC (sorted by difficulty).
Gryme the Fabled Crypt Guardian
The Fabled Arachnae Parian
The Fabled Malarian Metamo
The Fabled Sengian Fly
Aramin the Fabled Spider Guardian
The Fabled Diseased Infested Bubonian
The Fabled Rallius Rattican
The Fabled Grummus
The Fabled Skal`s Waking Nightmare
Defeat Gryme The Fabled Crypt Guardian and Aramin the Fabled Spider Guardian on your way to The Fabled Grummus.
Defeat The Fabled Grummus and The Fabled Rallius Rattican to spawn The Fabled Arachnae Parian.
Clear spiders in the area and defeat The Fabled Arachnae Parian to spawn The Fabled Skal`s Waking Nightmare.
Defeating The Fabled Grummus and The Fabled Rallius Rattican spawns regular Treasure Chests.
Defeating The Fabled Arachnae Parian and The Fabled Skal`s Waking Nightmare in Normal- or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest each.
Suggested party strength:
Level 67+
Nightrage Sanguinarch
Chambers of Eternal Affliction
Available in Intense mode
Tier 10
This is an instance intended for parties level 67+.
The instance can be requested from Gus in Plane of Knowledge and Caveheart in Surefall Glades for 600 platinum. It expires after 5 hours. It requires Tier 7 to be completed flag to be requested. NPCs do not respawn. Depending on your party's Might, Caveheart may let you chose from different difficulty modes.
This instance features the following named NPC (sorted by difficulty).
Random Named
Scion Radical
Trysta the Dark Tutor
Madame Chiasa
The Sage of Death
Vaelin Grimlore the Dead
Count Drakvish
Nightrage Sanguinarch
Shade of Chiasa (Tier 11) (despawns after Chiasa is defeated)
Shade of Death (Tier 11+) (despawns after The Sage of Death is defeated)
Timeless shades can only be damaged with bane weapons and spells.
Immortal shades can only be damaged with bane weapons and cold-based spells.
Nightrage Sanguinarch can only be damaged with fire-based spells or Vampire bane weapons (Silver Anthem Blade, Silver Feral Blade).
Defeating Madame Chiasa and Nightrage Sanguinarch in Normal or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest each.
Suggested party strength:
Level 67+
Creatures of Stillmoon
Stillmoon Temple
Duo Instance
Tier 10
This is an instance intended for two players level 67+.
The instance can be requested from Father Kinley for 300 platinum and expires after 3 hours. Besides goblins, NPCs do not respawn. It requires Tier 8 flag to be requested.
This instance has different types of oppenents which have very different abilities:
Kirins hit very hard, they do not summon and can be snared, however they can cleanse themselves.
Suggested tactics: Solid geared Tank and healer. Or DPS class and kite.Statues do not hit hard and do not summon, however, they have very rapid regeneration and can self-heal.
Suggested tactic: Two solid DPS classes.Drakes summon hard-hitting friends.
Suggested tactic: Tank boss and kite adds.Cats are balanced oppenents with both, considerable regeneration and offense.
Suggested tactic: Solid geared melee DPS class and healer.
Suggested party strength:
Some NPCs can be done with skill and are soloable at level 67. The majority of NPCs is intended for two level 68+ though.
The Fabled Warlord, Rallos Zek
The Fabled Plane of Tactics
Raid Instance
Tier 11
This is an instance intended for parties level 68+.
The instance can be requested from Mike in Plane of Knowledge for 600 platinum and expires after 6 hours. It requires Tier 9 flag to be requested.
This instance features the following named NPC (sorted by difficulty).
The Fabled Anival the Blade
The Fabled Diaku Armorer
The Fabled Deathbringer Blackheart
The Fabled Deadly Warboar
The Fabled Guardian of the Halls
The Fabled Tallon Zek
The Fabled Vallon Zek
The Fabled Warlord, Rallos Zek
Defeating Tallon Zek in Normal spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Defeating Vallon Zek in Normal spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest.
Defeating The Fabled Warlord, Rallos Zek in Normal- or higher spawns a Legendary Treasure Chest each; Hard- spawns a second chest.
Defeating The Fabled Warlord, Rallos Zek spawns a progression NPC.
Suggested party strength:
Level 68+