To access the RoF2 server, you will need to download a compatible client. If you do not already have one, you can download it here: RoF2 Client (This version includes EQ Might custom files and excludes some sound files.)
Getting Started
Once you downloaded the RoF2 client, do not start it or use EQLive patcher. Instead, create a batch-file like below. Name if for example YourAccountName1.bat. Replace drive and "D:\RoF2" with the directory where your Rain of Fire 2 installation resides. Replace "YourAccountName1" with the actual name of your EQEmu client account (see step 3).
You can later on modify this batch file to start multiple accounts at once, or you can create one batch file per account - which ever you prefer.
cd D:\RoF2
start eqgame.exe patchme /login:YourAccountName1
EQ Might is listed on the two EQEmu login servers and If you want to use the default loging server, your eqhost.txt should read as below:
(the # starts a comment and in this case means this server is not used)Â
You need at least one EQEmu account. To do so, you first need to register to the forum and then create your account(s).Â
Download the server files.
Read the server rules.
Optionally download and install MacroQuest 2 and e3. (e3 download - note there is a newer version called e3next)
Create your character(s) - log in and visit the Server-Greeter, Gene and Walter in-game.
Third party Software
EQ Might allows the use of standard versions of the third party software such as MQ2 / E3. Modifed version and any sort of hacks and cheats, such as warping are strictly forbidden.
Third party software allows you to more easily control more than one account. It grants some QoL features, such as seeing NPCs on the map, auto-loot and auto-sell.
MacroQuest2/E3 is a third party software, which is not being developped further, but is working reliably with a RoF2 client. Its successor is E3Next or E3N. This page is for MacroQuest2/E3, not for E3N.
If you are playing on multiple EQEmu servers, it is best to have one MQ2 folder for each server. If you already have an MQ2 folder, make a copy of it (about 95MB) and then launch the MacroQuest2.exe in that folder, e.g. D:\E3_RoF2_EQM\MacroQuest2.exe.
Follow me
/bca //target id ${Me.ID}
/bca //stick hold !front uw
/mapshow npc
The first line tells every other character to target you.
The second line makes them stick to you, but not stand in your face and swim level with you when underwater.
The third line is optional, it just updates the mini map and it's handy to have this done from time to time.
Attack my target
Make a hot key using the following commands. When using /multiline, make sure there is always a space before and after each semicolumn.
/bca //target id ${Target.ID}
/bca //stick 12 uw behind
/multiline ; /stand ; /bcaa //attack ON
/bcaa //pet attack
If you have some character specific abilities you want to use, you can put them on a hotkey or access them from the abilities bar (called doability).
The following line makes every character using their ability 1, pressing hotkey 2 and uses the AA "Gut Punch" on the current character, if it's up.
/multiline ; /bcaa //doability 1 ; /bcaa //keypress 2 ; /alt act 3732
Fine tune your settings to get the best out of your group and make your life easier.
Edit your MQ2AutoLogin.ini. Replace the marked text with your own account credentials. Optionally Add your character's name to automatically log them in.
eqm=[[R] ] EQ Might
Note: If you are not using, but instead, you need to adjust the server name as shown below:
eqm=EQ Might
Your batch file(s) to launch the EQ client, look as shown below. You can add your whole crew to one file, or just make a batch file per account, if you want to select them individually.
cd D:\RoF2
start eqgame.exe patchme /login:YourAccountName1
start eqgame.exe patchme /login:YourAccountName2
To start your accounts with MQ2AutoLogin:
Start MacroQuest2.exe, which resides in the same folder as MQ2AutoLogin.ini.
Start your batch file(s).
First, you should look into the e3 guide.
As already mentioned, I highly recommend to have a dedicated e3 folder for EQ Might and not share it with other EQEmu servers. The autoloot settings my be different and ini-files for your character will most definetly be different.
Basic Commands
Load/reload E3 for all characters
/bcaa //mac e3
Follow me
Attack my target
/multiline ; /stand ; /Attack ON
The second line is regular EverQuest command line and optional. It makes the current character stand up and attack. Which is useful for encounters that proc feign death.
To stop following or attacking you can use the command /FollowOff and /BackOff.
Veteran AA
Veteran AAs are no supported on EQ Might. If you dislike the error messages when starting E3 about missing Veteran AA, you can delete or comment (by adding a | in front of the line), the following lines of code in the file Macros\e3 Includes\
  /declare vetArray[9] string outer
  /declare iLesson  int outer 1
  /declare iThrone  int outer 2
  /declare iArmor   int outer 3
  /declare iIntensity int outer 4
  /declare iImfusion int outer 5
  /declare iSteadfast int outer 6
  /declare iStaunch  int outer 7
  /declare iExpedient int outer 8
  /declare iJester  int outer 9
  /varset vetArray[${iLesson}]  "Lesson of the Devoted"
  /varset vetArray[${iThrone}]  "Throne of Heroes"
  /varset vetArray[${iArmor}]   "Armor of Experience"
  /varset vetArray[${iIntensity}] "Intensity of the Resolute"
  /varset vetArray[${iImfusion}] "Infusion of the Faithful"
  /varset vetArray[${iSteadfast}] "Steadfast Servant"
  /varset vetArray[${iStaunch}]  "Staunch Recovery"
  /varset vetArray[${iExpedient}] "Expedient Recovery"
  /varset vetArray[${iJester}]  "Chaotic Jester"
  /call BuildSpellArray "vetArray" "vetArray2D"
E3 Configs
Below is a recommendation how to add the Charm of Might damage shield clicky to your configuration found in "E3 bot inis\". The charm is available to you at level 1 for free and can be bought from Gene in PoK if you lose it.
Instant Buff=Charm of Might
After upgrading your charm with Charlotte, you will need to adjust the name in the config file, e.g. to "Charm of Might (Planes)".
Cleric Example
Below is an example of how a level 65 cleric's ini file could look like.
The buffs you want to cast when other players send you a tell "buff me", are configured under Group Buff=.
To comment - i.e. deactiviate - a line, you can use a semi column at the beginning of the line.
End MedBreak in Combat(On/Off)=On
AutoMedBreak (On/Off)=Off
Auto-Loot (On/Off)=Off
Instant Buff=Charm of Might (Gates)
Self Buff=Gem-Inlaid Ritual Cloak
Self Buff=Eye of Dreams
Bot Buff=Artifact of the Divine/Stizok
Bot Buff=Artifact of the Divine/Pinq
Bot Buff=Protection of Vie/Stizok/Gem|5/MinMana|40
Bot Buff=Protection of Vie/Pinq/Gem|5/MinMana|60
Bot Buff=Hand of Virtue/Stizok/Gem|1/MinMana|50
Bot Buff=Hand of Virtue/Pinq/Gem|1/MinMana|50
Combat Buff=Artifact of the Divine/Stizok
Group Buff=Hand of Virtue/Gem|1/MinMana|50
Cure=Remove Greater Curse/Stizok/Gem|4/MinMana|10/CheckFor|Rage of Ssraeshza
CureAll=Counteract Disease/Gem|1/MinMana|15/CheckFor|Turgur's Insects
[Life Support]
Life Support=
Important Bot=Lisa
Important Bot=Tigerpuppy
Important Bot=Pinq
Pet Owner=
Tank Heal=Fabled Donal's Chestplate of Mourning/HealPct|75
;Tank Heal=Complete Heal/HealPct|66/Gem|6
Tank Heal=Holy Light/HealPct|72/Gem|8
Important Heal=Fabled Blue Band of the Oak/HealPct|75
Important Heal=Holy Light/HealPct|55/Gem|8
All Heal=
XTarget Heal=
Pet Heal=
Heal Over Time Spell=Holy Elixir/HealPct|88/Gem|7
Group Heal=
Who to Heal=Tanks/ImportantBots
Who to HoT=Tanks
Join Heal Chains (On/Off)=Off
[Assist Settings]
Assist Type (Melee/Ranged/Off)=Off
Melee Stick Point=Behind
Melee Distance=MaxMelee
Ranged Distance=100
Auto-Assist Engage Percent=98
[Melee Abilities]
;Main=Fabled Nightshade Scented Orb/Ifs|90Health
;Main=Fabled Sathir's Wand/Ifs|90Health
Divine Arbitration (Pct)=35
Celestial Regeneration (Pct)=
Auto-Yaulp (On/Off)=Off
Yaulp Spell=
Auto-Pet Weapons (On/Off)=
Summoned Pet Hammer=
Debuff on Assist=
Debuff on Command=Trinket of Terris
LowMana=${Me.PctMana} < 20
90Health=${Spawn[${AssistTarget}].PctHPs} < 90
Monk Example
Here is an example of how a level 65 monk's ini file could look like.
End MedBreak in Combat(On/Off)=On
AutoMedBreak (On/Off)=Off
Auto-Loot (On/Off)=Off
Instant Buff=Charm of Might (Gates)
Instant Buff=Girdle of Living Thorns
;Instant Buff=Celestial Fists
Self Buff=Ring of Organic Darkness
Self Buff=Symbol of the Planemasters
Self Buff=Serrated Dart of Energy
Bot Buff=Artifact of the Divine/Spankee
Bot Buff=Artifact of the Divine/Stizok
Combat Buff=Artifact of the Divine/Stizok
Combat Buff=
Group Buff=
Pet Buff=
Cast Aura Combat (On/Off)=On
[Life Support]
Life Support=Stonestance Discipline/HealPct|30
;Life Support=Ancient Robe of Living Fungus/HealPct|70/CheckFor|Holy Elixir
[Assist Settings]
Assist Type (Melee/Ranged/Off)=Melee
Melee Stick Point=Behind
Melee Distance=MaxMelee
Ranged Distance=100
Auto-Assist Engage Percent=98
[Melee Abilities]
Ability=Flying Kick
Ability=Tiger Claw
Ability=Leopard Claw
Ability=Zan Fi's Whistle
Quick Burn=
Long Burn=
Full Burn=
Bard songs
Set a melody and then define this melody. Below is an example. It looks a bit clumsy, because the same highlighted block is there twice. That is because Selos' Acceslerating Chorus on TDE lasts several minutes and you don't want to repeat too often. Idealy you would even repeat the blocks serveral times.
[travel Melody]
Song=Chorus of Marr/Gem|1
Song=War March of the Mastruq/Gem|2
Song=Song of the Storm/Gem|3
Song=Echo of the Trusik/Gem|4
Song=Psalm of Veeshan/Gem|5
Song=Selo's Accelerating Chorus/Gem|6
Song=Chorus of Marr/Gem|1
Song=War March of the Mastruq/Gem|2
Song=Song of the Storm/Gem|3
Song=Echo of the Trusik/Gem|4
Song=Psalm of Veeshan/Gem|5